rerf 6. P i 13 S. rIT reth by the booties which they makeof their goodneffe : and by Lu4.uS,v.z r the exampleofthePharife glorying how iutl he was, howmuch he gaue , how often he farted , and what duties he difcharged whereas everygood feruice vprightly performedby the Godly, will caufe them the more to lee their vnworthinetlè , and to be humbled. When Mond and his fubie6is had liberally contribu- ted towardes thebuilding , and beautifying ofthe Temple , he breaketh out into the praifes of the Lord , and debafement of himfelfe, and his , faying , WhoamI, andwhat is my people that I.chre.1.9.v. wefhouldbe able to offer willingly after thisfort ?fir all things come of thee, andofthine owne handharkwegiuen them. When Ifaiah hadvfed his lips and his tongue , as faithfully as he could in the min'slleryofGod , and for the benefit ofthe Church , yet at the fight ofGodsglory , and his ownsvileneflè he cryeth out woe Jj 6. verf. is me,for Iamvndone, becaufe Iam a manofpolluted lips. Inflru1ion to take heede to thy felfe in all thy wayes , that Ilfe. thy integrity rather commend thy a&ions to Gods eyes , then that thy tongue fhould extoll them tomens cares : and let thy good workesbe alwaies well done, iffu ing from a fincere affe- 6tion,and anheart purged by faith , that the flreares may bee more cleare and acceptable,tor the purity of the fountaine. He that indeede is faithful , and out ofhis faithfulneffe dooth apply hiinfelfe tobe fruitfull, ¡hall not neede Pharifaically to publilh his vertues to all the towne: for Iefu Chriff in due time will proclaime the fame to all the world : and. in the meane time caufc their goodneflè fo tobe regarded of them that be good, that the ie ffc praife they feeke , the more they ¡hall f nde and that reuerence which they neither aimedat, nor looked for,íhall without their fuing or fceking be offeredvnto them. He that is found in his foule , andupright in hisdealing cannot bewithout honour , whofocuer he be that deprauethhim : and euery one that is hollow barred andwicked , fhall beare the thame of his iniquity, whatpretenfes foeuer he makethofmercy, iuflice, and piety andhowmany foeuer applaude him : whomefoeuer the Lord fecth to be naught, he reputeth for naught , and will thew tobe naught,andafter a feafonbring him tonaught. Verf.