Dolt. z. verf7. /.32. v. II. .z.verf.8. PRO VERB'S. lrer 7f .""11111Verf. 7. He which walketh in his vprightnef k its t : and blefdfhall his children beafter him. HE which walketh inhis vprightneffe,] that without diflimu- lation, conflantly indeuoureth toobey the will of God, labouring to know all that the Lord requireth at his hand , and afmuch as he canperforme, al that he knoweth , and that with delire to glorifie him , and likewife with hope to be rewarded himfelfe, is iufl,perfe&ly righteous by the merits of Chri/l with- out him, and righteous by the workeofGods holy fpirit within him : And bleffedfhallhis children beafterhim. It (hall bothgoe well withhimfelfe whilehe liueth , (for fo much is intended in this fentence, though not expreflymentioned) andwith his po_ flerity altowho fhall fucceedehim. Sodothhe vfually blefie his feruants, but not at all times, fotnebeingotherwife recon:pen- fed, and not in this manner : formany Godlymen haue no chil- dren at all, andothers laue fuch behinde them, asproue vnhap- pyand graceleffe. 4. Whofoeuer is fincere and honefl , the fame man is ado righ- teous. He that exercifeth the behauiour of iuflice fhall inioy both the comfort and credit of being iuil, notwithflandinghe be not freefrom faults and infirmities. St.John vndertaketh to make thisgood, and layetteit downe as an infallible verity, fay_ ing, Littlechildren,, let noman deceits,you, he that doethrighte- oufneffe isrighteous. 'AlewifeDauid in thePfalmes , according as Salomondoth here, maketh the full andfaithfull tobe all one in that histoniolatory acclamation : Begladdeyee righteous, and reioyce in theLord, beioyfullallyee that arevpright inhart. But what can;be clearer thenGods owne teflimony for lob, and that to the Deuill,his moll mortall aduerfary ? Haft thounot confide- redmy ferusant Iob, hownone is liehim in theearth ? Anvpright andissomanone thatfeareth Godandefcheweth eusill. Firfl, there is neuer vprightnefíe of hart andbehauiour, but where finnes are pardoned, and who will take vpon him to charge that man withvnrighteoufnefl'e, howgreat an offendour foeuer he hath formerlybeene, whofe iniquities the Lord bath remitted? Secondly,