Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

er ;. i . 113 Secondly,as he is fully righteous which hath fulneffe orgrace, 2 fo is euery one more or lefie righteous according to the degrees ef'his grace, fo as the imallefi meafure thereofdoth denominate, and honour euery one with the title ofa iull man , if it properly proceede from the holy Ghof , and be in truth the fruit of the fpri.t. Thirdly, were it not that all the Godlywereverily righteous, 3- they could haue no place in themyfiic all body of Iefits Chri t : for what correfpondency would there be betweene the head which is abfolutely iu!t , and the refl ofthemembers vtrerlyvn_ iu`i. Neither would there be any meete proportion but a di- rca oppolition betweene memberand member,betw eeue thole which are wholly holy aboue in the heauens , and fuch as are ineerelyvnholy beneath in the earth. Thele parts would nobet- ter accord t,-)gethcr, then tlofe ofthe Image whichATbuchad- nezz,ar beheld in his dreame , whole headwas ofpiP gold his Dan. a.:veri bre4l andhis armesoffiluer , his belly and thighes or brat fe , his l ggeso f yron, nd hisfeete part ofyron, andpart ofc_ly. Fourthly, nohappineffe belongeth toany facing to the iufl,it 4. is their portion peculiarly referued for chew , and then confe- quently it followeth that euery truehatred man, ofvertuous be- hauiour is undoubtedly righteous : for bl'll"Pd are they that are Pfal.xr9.v.1 vpright in their way , andwale n the laworthe Lord. Bleffedare they that keepehis tejiimonies , and feetehim with their wholehart. Conf'olarion for poore Chrifhans much clogged andyoakcd fife.. with corruptions and infirmities, whofe deliresof weldoiugare refilled by Sathan, and fnnefull nature, that though their eni- mies hinder them from the performance of many righteous workes, yet they cannot di.fable them frombeing righteous people : they (hall neuer be able to flay Gods hand fromgluing them grace to make them iufl, nor to Hoppe his mouth from yeelding his,teflimouy, and acknowledging them to be lull. Their faults are to be rebuked and repented for, as being.brea- ches ofGods law, and hurtful' to their owne foules, and fome- times fcandalous to others, butyet they makenot a nullity of their faithfulneffe, neither doth the Lord difclaime themfor the fame. Dauidhad his flips and frailties, and failedofduty in di- g__ UCV.7