Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

'iMg.1 f. v.%. life. 114 s 'er uers matters , as in his paílionate heate purpofing and fwearing to defiroy Nabals whole family : in paffng filch a rafh fentence againll c 2'íephibofheth , to paffeaway all his maintainance from him : in being too too indulgent to his vngratious Sonnes, _Ammon, 2161halom, and .Adoni/ah, and yet the Lord pafleth by all thefe, and others ofthe like nature, and faith, 73aviddidthat which was right in the fight ofthe Lord , andturned from nothing that he cornmaundsd him , all the daies o fhis life , fsue only in the matter ofVr ah the Hittite. Let the Deuill then rage; and wic- ked men raile, and charge thee with hypocrite, arrogancy, pre- fumptuoufnefle, difloyaltie, herefie, lolardie , or with whatfoe- uer elfe an hellilh brame may inuent, or 'a virulent mouth can vomit out yet thyhart and waies depofirig for thine integrity, that thou feruefl God as well as thoucant}, and delref} to doe it farre better ifthoucouldefi, benot difhartet:ed at all their flaiin derous calumniations. Reproofe ofthem that are only fayers in cafes ofChriflianity, hauing their mouthes full ofreligion , and their harts altogether empty, which difcourfe of thinges to be done, and pra6tifeno- thing,likenegligent trauailours,that fpend the morning in their beddes, and the after-noone in the Ale-houle, and talkeof their iourney, andwhich way it lyetb, but let not one Foote forwards therein. And how much better then thefeare thofc-, who doe many thinges which they ought, but nothing as they fhould for they only feeke their owne vaine glory, or commodity in feeming to labour for Gods glory, and praile, and fo dedicate hisfern ices to pride, lull, and worldlinefl'e ? Neither may vnfla- bie perlons be fpared here from a lut}rebuke, filch hawing en- tred into a good wayof piety and religion, doe either revolt, and One vpall the exercife and profeflion thereof, which is a moll fearefiill and dangerous eflate, or elfe retaine the fame vn- crrtainly by fits and tlart_s without any conflancy therein. Doe theydreatne that Godlineffe is like an alley in a garden, or agal- lery in an houle; towalke forwards , and to returnebacke in for pleafure, and not a voiage for tranaile , tobe proceeded in , ¡ill theyccmc to heauen ? If theywill ferue Godbut atfometimes, theyinuf. be reputed righteous but at fonietimes, and he that re- maineth