Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

ve rnaineth not alwaies righteous , hath neuer yet attained to be righteous at all. fhall his children ,&c,, Faithfulsparents haue no caufe 7,at. to dread the culate oftheir children after theirdeceafc. 2 Themfelues are righteous, as here the wifdorae ofGod loth dire&fly pronounce them : and thegeneration ofthe righteousfhal Fffl.ii:.ver be bleffed , asbetides this prefent Text , diuers other places of Scriptures doe euidently teflifie. If the Lord reckon them for theirs,as he will if they be his,he wil alto for their fakes,through Chrfl, and in his owns loue prouide fufficientlyfor them : If o- therwife (efpecially if they are nothing guilty oftheir firmes, by mifgouernment, or negle&ofprayers for them) what haue they to doe to enter into Gods iudgrnents, and todifquiet their harts about the punifhments , whichhe bath hereafter to infli t vpoli his rebellious enimies, and the aduerfaries of his people ? See Chap. 13.22. Verf. 8. eAKing thatfitteth on the 'Throneofiudgementcha- fcthaway eueryone that is euill. King,] The fupreme Magifirate principally, andothers allo ofgreat authority, fittingvpon theThrone ofiuflice, execu- ting his office faithfully, chafed)away euery euillore , affrighteth lewde malefa1ors, and either cutteth themoff,or otherwife pu- nifheth them , or they amend their waies, or flye out ofhis iu- rifd iékion, or at the leafl from his pretence, with his eyes, by loo- king into caufes, and taking knowledgeof offences, whether it beby fight or hearing, and therewith allohe daunteth the wic- ked that appears befoiehim, his lookes and countenancebeing terribleveto them. A vigilant ruler is a reflraint and terrour to vicious perfons. aFt It doth cuidei tly appeare by all circumílances touching lobs life that he wasnot a mang uen to be fo Verne and aul ere, but that honer{menmight finde good contentment in his company, (Or the care that heardhim fpeake , didbeefc him , and the eye that [awehim , game witnefe to him : he de red the poore that cryed, and the fatherlefe , andhim that ha lidve to helpehim: the blef- ' fin