ßyivy) v.EftB5. érf$, ling o f f.ch eu were ready toper. h cameupon h!rn , andhe tarifd .Z9.TJ.I I.I2 , the Widowes hart to reioy ce : he was the eyes to theblinde and the feeteto the lame, anda'Father tothepoore) yet dS,rderedyoung mendurfi not indure the fight or him, theyhdde themfelues from verf. 8, his pretence. And filch was the feuerity of his gouerneinent a- gainfi vagabonds and vile perlons that they verere compelled to 3 o.v.3..6. flee into the darke , defolate , andwall wilderneff. They were cha- fed firth from among men , they Jhouted at them as at a°7-heefe. Therefore they dwelt in the cliftsofRiuers, in the holes ofthe earth andRockes. Neither was this his £harp. proceeding only againfi thofe that were young and wanted wifdome, or inch as were F. 19, 17. beggarly , andwanted power , but hebrake the iawesofthe vn_ righteou of what eflate foeuer, andpluckt the pray out offhis teeth.. Fìrfi , he is armed withGods authority, whofe fiibfiitute he I is, and by himefiablifhed inhis place, and therefore theMaiefiy ofhis glory fhineth forth in the execution of1U-lice. Z Secondly, the Lord hath fet him vp, and put the fword into et. s.V.14. his hand for the puni/hment ofeuilldoers, and thepraifeofthem .13.verf4. that doewell: he is the MinerofGodto takevengeance on them that doe euill.. 3 Thirdly, a guilty hart rnaketh men tiínercus and readyal- waies to tremble , but efpecially before himwho is to lift them, and to call them to account for their miffe-behauiour. f . Infiruó ion to fubieds and inferiours that ifthey would fland before their Gouernours, and neither be driuen tomine away from, or bepunifhed by them, let them hand againfi their owne cgrruptions , that they flame not their liues with lewde conuer fation:fo Thal they finde the Magidracy comfortable veto them, andnot terrible : like milde fhowers of raine to refrefh them, andnot tempefluous fiormes to affright then : as a lhield for theirdefence and fafety; andnot a fword for their ruine and de- flrucaion. And in the next place, let Commanders, and menof Authority be exhorted to watch ouer thofewhich are commit- ted vnto themperfonally, and with their owne eyes, as vouch as theymay, for the fuppreffion ofvice, and aduauncementofver ttic , andnot kaue all thinges tovnder Üfñccrs, which vnder. hand,, ....