leer 9. /17 hand, many times , deale very corri'pt!y. And this the Lord ex- peeth at their bandes , that as himfclfe is vnpartiall, and re- fpeeeth no mans perfon in his judgements, but cuery man fpee- deth according to the equityofhis carafe ,. and not the qualityof his eflate, such should they be , and deale in theirs , defending the innocencyofthe rneancfl, anddoing them right, and ceníù- ring the wickedneffe of the mightiefi , and making them tall of iuflice, which is indeede , to chafe away all the euill with their eyes. Reproofe of many in high places, that eye the bell and mof} harmelelfepeople in malice to picke quarrels , and feeke aduan tapes againll them, and set their eyes vpon theworfi, and mea dilfolute perfons in way of liking to giue countenance vnto them. This is commonly to be scene, and greatly tobe lamen- ted in manygreat families , and places of iuflice , afwell in this Nation , as in moii Kingdomes , and Prouiuces through all the world. They which should driue away all theeuifh , drunken, tn blafpheous , contemptuous, and quarrellous perlons out of the Country, doe fuller them to rooll , and make their nefls in their owne houles, and fecde diners of them at their owne ta- bles, and (because they cangame, play, jell , and make fports) vfe them as their familiar companions. And hence it is that filch flockes, and flights, and fwarmes ofmalefa loursdoe daily breede, and petler fomany Townes, andCities,andparts ofthis Kingdome. And adde hereunto, that fometimes Magiflrates Bares enchantedwith flattery, or feare of others greater then themfelués,neriwade the eie either towiuke,or elfe to lookeon the other fide : or the eyes are fo daieled with the glittering gloffe andbrightneífe ofgoldenbribes, that they cannot appre hend the foulefi matters, which al theCountry euidentlybehold and cry out vpon. Verse 9. Whocan& , I haue cleansd myheart,'ampurefrom fnne ?_ VHo canfäy,1Whocan truely andwith good warrant afftrtne,l hase cleanfedmy heart ,1haue vtterly, and Q-3 for.