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for euer freed my felfe from all vnlawfull defres , delights , pur_ pofes,cogitationsand motions. He beginneth at the heart, be_ caule it is the Pountaine , or at leall the Ceflerne from whence corruption f1oweth; which yet muff be vnderflood ofhis owne natural] power,and not ofgrace: and of perfeélion, andnot of fincerity: for the Prophet doth truely profeffè that he had clean- fedhis heart,though in his temptation it feemed tobe in vaine, which he did by the fpirite ofGod, and in part , and by degrees, Iam cleanefrom fnne ; my nature foule and wayes areall pure, nothing canbe laid to my charge, for vnlawfull thoughts, vn- righteous aólions,vnfruitFull fpeeches,good dneties at any time omitted,orfnfull workes euer committed : meaning by that in- terrogation,that no man hath power fo to walke , nor any: rca._ fon fo toboafl. Notwithflandirg, this is nothing againfi that Paying ofS.Paaal: Whofhall lay any thing to the chargeofGoda ckofen ? It is God that iuftifieth. For he there fpeaketh of that in nocency that the godly attainevntoby remiifionoftheir finnes in Gods pretence , who hauing receiued fatisfa6lion for them, fromChrui,imputed them tohim , and fully acquitteth them : andSalomonhere fpeakethofanother matter , that no man is throughly purged fromoriginali corruption,and the impure hu- mours that iffue out ofit. Neyther let any man obiedl that of S.Iohn,Whooeuer is borne ofGodfinnethnot : for he fpeaketh not in that place ofthe pra;ife, but the dominion of finne , that a regenerateman yeeldeth not obedience vnto it, as a flaue to his Mafler,but is taken captiue,or receyueth a wound, as a Souldier from his enemy. ff The bell (hall haue corruptions and finnes cleauing to them, fo long as they liue. As euery fonneofe_4darrv,fauing Chrift our fauiour, is, or bath beenedefiled by generation and conception, fonone of them can wafhanypart of their filthinelfe without his helps , neyther may any looke for an abfolutepurity in earth by his af- fiftance : for that, in his holy wifedome, he rcferued as a prero- gatiue,proper vnto his owne.perfon , not admitting ofanyco- partner therein. Herevpon certaintyofhis groùnd , he propo- feth thepoint by way ofdemaund,making a challenge to all the world,