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world,knowing t'fat noman could ewerfleppe forth , and iuflly fay; I am entirely innocent , I was neuer culpable: or at this t ime,I am as good as I ought tobe, and as Gads law requireth. And in Eccle iafles upon like affurance, hee affirmeth the fame, with an affeueration,faying , Surely there is no man ifri.sci in the Ecc1,7.22, earth,that dothgood,and fsnneth not. And S. Lames couttning be- lam 2 hinde very few in fan&ification , andholineffe oflife, doothyet profeffe this againfl himfelfe,as well as others,In many things we fnne all: as ifhe fhould haue faid,we children ofmen, we ele&, we Chriffians,we Difciples ofChrf, weApofiles , we that are counted chiefe among the Apofiles, we all, and euery one ofvs, in diuers things doe faile ofour dueties. Firfl that confli6l which is betweene theflefh and thefpirite , Real, the one refilling theother in the moll righteous, and befl graced r, ofall Gods people,is an vndenyable argument heereofWe read Gaí.5.17. ofnone that hath morepreuailed againfl the flch by mortifica- tion,or !hewed forthbetter fruites of the fpirit by viuification then Paul,and yet he cornplaineth,that whenhe would dogood, Rorn.7.i!l.s eu:llwasprefent with him : that bee did not thegoodwhich hee would,but themill which he would not,that didhe. Secondly,our Sauiour direóleth fo many as may callGod 2. their heauenlyFather,daily to pray : Forgiue vs our debts : and thebleffedneffe ofeffbrabam andDauid, and all that euer Chrif ti Rom.4.6. bath redeemed with his blood , confifleth in the retniflìon of finnes,which maketh it apparant that euery childe of God is daily attainted with the guiltinef e offinne. Thirdly,how commeth it topaï%,that all men are obnoxious 3. to fo many chaflifements and afitions ,.and fubiea to death, and mortality,but that they baue. their faults? Ifthere wereper- feet innocency in them , no lirokes of :corre6liors could light .upon them : for it would not (landwith the iullice of the Lord, to fc.ourge filch as are free from offending. And the foule could haueno paffage out of the bodvto. part company one from the other,but by occafion ofthecorruptions that are in themboth. Confutation.of the Papifls , which afcribing to the deathof l'f Chri.,the beginningofiu[iification ,doe impute the perfec'bon 1. ofit to their ovine VV. orthineffeby in(hfcd grace , whereby theye