a J. . thinke themfelues able to fulfill the lawofGod : andmore then that to adde anouerplus byworkes of fupererogation which may goe for payment oftheir fellowes debts : and fo theydoe not onely deliuer themfelues from damnation , but are become pettieSauiours,or peeces of Sauiours to others. Which are to bepittied for their ignorance,and rated for their prefumption takingvpon them tobe rûhrigt his fellowes., not knowing that Gods law requireth an exaóó obedience, with fulnefle ofloue perpetually,beyond all that any meere man fince Adams fall, couldpoffibly performe. And it ferueth allo to ouerthrow the hereticall, opinions,and to pull down the proude conceits ofthe Catharifis or Puritanes,which brag offuch a perfedlion ofpuri- tyalreadyattained vnto,as that they neede no furchcx tobe pur- ged from corruptions. Inflrue`tion for euery mati to lookewarily to himfelfe,that he be not circumuented bySatan , fince filch a treacherous foc as finne is,doth liecontinually in Waite , as neere him as maybe ; euen inhis owne breafi,to betrayhis foule intohis hands. And Teeing all haue their faults , and are vnable to Eland before the iudgement feate ofGod in their owne righteoufiieffe, therefote none fhouldbe otter rigorous in cenfisringofothers,and raflìno too heauy a fentence ofcondemnation againfl their Poore and weakebrethren for their infirmities. verte io. Diners Waights,anddiners mea fisres ; enen both thefe areabhomination to theLord. 1 Juerswaights,lone heauier, another lighter, anddiners meafures,onegreater,another lefíe , tobuy with the grea- ter weight,and greater meaíure,and to fdi by the lefíe or ligh_ ter,or with a iuí}weight and ineafiire to fell to the wifer fort, andwith thevniufl to the fimpler, whome theymay eafilyde- cciue Beth thefe,and all fuch kinde ofcrafrie and couctous dea- lirtg,areabhomination to theLord, fuch abi tominabic iniquityas the Lord will finely and fharpely reuenge,andpuni: i. See cap. aLycra. .. 'Verfc