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er.I . : , 2I. Verfe i I. Eisen achildewill rnak! known by his consterfation, whether hebepure,and whether his worke be right. NEither yong,nor oldcan fo lie hid,but that they vril byone ineanes or other,-at one time or other , bewray what man- - ncr ofperfons they are,and what manner ofdeedes they doe. If any may be vnknowne,and not made manifef1 in both thofe re- fpeas,furely thofeofyonger yearesaremofi likely to be they, whoarenot tryed in fuch dealings , nor in fo many matters as men ofriper age,and yet here it is taught, that euen achilde, a yongling,being yet tender.,and not grownc tomans eflate , will make hirnfe f knowne byhis conuerfation,by his behauiour,by his ggeflures,by his fpeech,by the courfe ofhis pra&fifes, whether he bepure,whether there be vprightneffe, and plaine meaning in him,without diflimulation , or groffe and profefled lewdneffe,, andwhether his worke be right , whether that which he prefently doth,bewith an honefi minde performed , andwhetherhee be like to take a good courfe in the reft ofhis life to come. For euen young Plantsdeclare by their growing andbudding, what trees they will prooue tobe, andwhat fruite they will beam hereaf- ter; fo little oresoften (hewbetimes,what expedtation is tobe had ofthem : they minifler matter ofhope,or feare to themthat conuetfe with them; and delire to fee grace and piety in them. This is a duety laidupon euerychilde, fo forme as he is ofany difcretion,and capableofinfiru&tion,that he fhould enter forth- with into the goodway,and walke conflantly therein , howbeit we confeffe that many faire therin,eyther throughwant ofgood education,and bringing vp,or yeelding afterwards to the luisof youth,decline and fall away from this towardlinefle, which at the firfi appeared in them. ir It concerneth the young as well as theolde, tobe religious, Doff. and to linevertuoufly. Pertinent to this purpofe is the exhortation of theProphet, Pfal.148, v. r callingvponyong menandmaidens, al,/ oldemen and children, that theyfhouldpraife the nameofthe Lord. And fo is that quefli- onand anfwerr, which is made for their direton , inanother Pfalme,