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122 0 -V R er i Pfalme,after this manner: wherewith (hall ayoungman redrefe 'x Iy his waies ? In tzking heed,' thertta,according to thy word. Firfl,being godly they are fure,as well as the auncient, to bee deaf rewarded with faluation in the life to come,and honoured with I' praife andgood eflimation in this life. Otherwife the holy GhofI would neuer haue t?iuen them fo good encouragemc t as he dothbypreferringapoore,andwifechilde before anoldand 1eJ4.13 folifh King : betide the notable examplecfIo íh, Dauid,Samss- el,Iofah; John Raptii l,and others , as Timothyby name,whoine the Apoflle aduifcch by that meanes topreferue his reputation, faying,Let no mandeiife tlyyotith,and be vnto them that beleeue Em.4.I z, an example,in word,incom4er.rition,in loue,in Zrtt tofaith, and in ptrenefJ"e. 2. Sccondly,the remembrance ofthatgoodneffe which is exer- cifed in youth , will be a fingular comfort in olde age,and fu- fleine the heart againil the tnanifolde infirmitiesand tedioufhes thereof. 3. Thirdly,on the other fide , they which liue vitioufly when they areyoung,fhall moll certainlybe plagued, when, or before they come to he old,ifthe curie cut them not off, or weed them not out(like hurtfulibryers,or nettles) fooner. And many , yea mofi ofthern,though they liue tohe olde, yet out-liue not their fïnfulneffe,with which they infeut}ed themfelues whiles yet they were young ; that will continue in them, and goe to the graue with them,as Zophar truely teflified : His bones are fwldof the finne ofhisyouth,and itfhalllie donnewith him in the dint: Ney- ther will it be buriedand confirmed there, but accompany the foule alto to hell,and accufe it before Gods iudgernent lea te,and there caufe them tobe condemned anddef}royed for euer. Inflru6lion todomef}ical Gouernors, Míni1. ers andSchool-e- v e' maflers,th at they giue wholefome precepts to boyes andgirles committed to theircharge,and refiraine them from loofe and diflolute behauiour, inhope of profperous fucceffe, whereby theymay become both fruitfulltrees in theChurchofCod, and happy inheriters ofeternall faluation* It was paines well beflo- wedby the Mother and Grand-mother of Timothy , to feafon him Iò timely with thewordofthe Lord, that by their induflry he