Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

er I! he knew theholy Scriptures ofa chilcic, and therefore did fo much good to n:any,and moll to himfelfe when he was a man. And if it lie vponparents fo carefiully to educate their children, andGouernoursmull locke fo narrowly to the INayes of their youth,howmuch more ought they ofthe elder fort,hauing mif- fpent many yeares in the feruice offïnne,a :dare not yet recla.,y- med from their wicked waits , to bcflirre theinfelues for relor -. mation afore it be too late, Their daunger fhculd terrific their hearts,anddriue them to take a better courfe !call they perifh ere they haue well thought that they are in peril' : and their íót- tifhnes fhculd make them afhamed oftheih fluggifhnes, which haue lulferedboyes, and wenches , and children to goe before them in wifedome and honef y : and withal! there is caufè that hope fhodld he,pe them forwards in godly endeauours : for if grace be giuen to them that are fo young, and ofleffe capacity, (betide the manifolde vanities that youthand childe-hoodeare fubie&vnto)topurifie their hearts and reaifie their workes, it will not be denied to them, who are moreapprehenfiue ofvn- derflanding,andmaybebetter able togouerne their affe&&ions, and order their wayes,iftl, ev faithfully feeke it. Confutationofthat pernitióus errour,which too many,both men and women illude theinfelues with, that youth yeeldeth a priuiledge to them that are young,tobee impious , proude,ryo_ tous,and wanton with impunity. It is thought that they be foolifh, and mopifh , and haue degenerated from their age, which will giue themfelucs to the feruice ofanybut offanneand lufl,till they be pall that age. Why then did not the youthful! Sodomites plead their priuiledge, and preferue themfèlues from deflru&ionwhen the ref' perifhed ? They were taken with the manner afwell as others : there was notice taken of them as Avell as ofothers,for the text faith,that the men of Sodome com- 4. paledLots houfe round about: or theyoung euen to the olde , all thepeoplefromallquar'ters. And they were burnt vp with fire andbrirntlone,anddet}royed afwell as others. And how came it to paffe that the children fpedde fo ill which mocked Elifha, faying,ATcend thou bald-head,afcend thoubald-head ? Why did he curie them in the nameoftheLord, if children might fafely R 2 fay, 2,