req. 12, F 1Ì O V t; n 15 S. 124 fay, and doe whatfoeuer them 'died ? Didnot the (laughter of two and fourty ofthemmade by two beares, openly declare the wrath and indignation ofthe Lordagalnfl them ?But foral this, fo the ywill thinke 0111 , and fo they will line í1i1(, and therefore fuch we mull leaue tothenifelues, and let them take as they fhall finde one day , only we may tell them what the Scripture faith ej.II.v.9. vnto them in this cafe : Reioyce ô youngman in thyyouth, and let thine hart cheare thee in the dories ofthyyouth , and wake in the wayes o('thine hart, and in the fight ofthine eyes; but know for 4 thefe thinges J odwillbrim thee to tudgement.. Ver% 12. the Lordhath made both thefe , euen the ears which heareth , and the eye which feeth.. HIs meaning is, that theLord hath formed the whole man, all the parts of his body, thoughhe nameth only thefe two, as the fèates and inflruments ofthofe noble fenfes ofhea- ring, and feting, which are mentioned with them, and thefe, together with all the refl., he enablethand quickneth to doe their office. Our members and fentes are the workemaníhip and gift of God. Noart canmake them nor all thepower ofall creatures, if they fhonldvnite their firength together, were fuflîcient to fa- fhion fo much as a Finger, or Toe, orany other limme, andput feeling into it. The honour hereof the Lord doth challenge to d.4. ver.Ii. himfelfè in that fpeech of his to cíWofes : who bath giuen the mouth to man ? or who bathmade thedumbe, or the deafe , or him thatfeeth, or theblinde?Hauenot I the Lord? Rea, Firfl, it is not in the power of creatures to doefnaller mat- t ters then tomakeeyes, andeares, theycannot make haires, nay theycannot giue coulour to their haires which are made to their ttb.ç. y.36. heades andgrow upon their heades :.that which is blacke they cannot change into white, and that which is white they cannot turne into blacke : now he that is not able todoe the leflè, will 1.effie be able to doe the greater, Secondly, if anypart ofman, or ofother liuing creatures, or o_f