I5 ofplants, or ofany natural] body , or fubflance might begrade without Gods owne hand he fhould (cafe to be an abfolute creatotir , and creatures that could doe thcfe feates wouldbe- come decoy-creatorrs.. Infiruaion to depend vpon him for the preferuationr of our Ilfe fenfes, and members , who is the foieand only maker of chew, and therefo: e allo let them be continually irnploved inhis fer tikes. We can no otherwife deale fo fafely for our felues,nor fo thankefully with him , as to confecrate his owne workemanfhip tohis Dine glory, It were an vnvvorthypart of vs and might worthily bereauevs ofthe vfe ofour life or dearefl members, to bellow his gifts ofthis nature, or valew in contempt, or neg1et of him , vpon his greatcfl enimies , finnefulnefle , and Sathan. But may it not bedone fo clofely , and with fuch fecrefie , as he íhall neuer know of it to take offenceat it ? Is it not pnflîble to delight our felues with our vnlau<ful a&ions,and ferue our owne turnes by abufing of our tongues, andyet all be hidden from God ? I7nder'landyee vnwifeamong thepeople: andyeefloles when Tfal.94.v. millyee be wife ? he that planted theeare , Jhallhenot heare ? or he that firmed the eye ,'hall he not fee ? But that wemay inioy the right vfeofour fenfes our felues , andnot haue them infeé ions and noyfome to our foules , and may alío render to him due pralle for them, aauallyby them, it fhàll be needefull to haue recourfe tohim and feeke his helpe , that as they were created by his hand , andare depraued by our corruptions, fo hewould againerepaire the fame, and fanhifte them to fpirituail feruices. For otherwife a man quicke lighted in earthly chimes , maybe flarke blinde inheauenly , and he that bath a ready care toMen vnto mens ipecehes , maybe vtrerly deale at the. Counfailes of God. And that caufed cMofes to obraide the carnali 1fiaelites in the wik erneflè with fuch a palpable fenfeleffeneífe, laying veto them : Teehaue feene all that the Lorddidbeforeyour eyes; ,Deut.:9,z%t in the landoreiEgIpt,vntoPharao, and vetoallhicferuants , and vnte alibis land:thegreat temptations which thine eyes hauefeene, thole great miracles, and wonders, yet the Lord bath not green you anhart toperceive , and eyes to:fee ; andcares to heave , ma. thin_ day.. Coy. R'_ 3