Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

2 Confotation for them that profitably exercife their foules and fenfes inobeyingofGods holy will, and doinggood to his peo- ple, he path more interefl in their members by right ofcreation, efpecially being alto incorporated into the bodyof Chra,f1, then they can haueby vertue ofpoffefíion,and therefore he will looke alwaies better vino them foi- proteaion and defence , then they at any time candoe, and dh refore n)t only their bones arekept byhim, that not one ofthem (hall be broken for their hart , but likewife the hairesoftheir head are numbred, that noneofthem thall mifcarry. Keeping themfelues therefore in hisfauour,the may bouldly expe& fafety , or though fometimes they be ficke, lame, wounded , maymcd , depriuedof fight , decayed in theirhearing , or fubiea to other like impediments, yet filch is the tender care oftheir heauenlyFather tout=ardes them , that he will bemoreprouident for their recuring, then anyparent : and fuch is his skill andpower , that he is moreable torepaire, and heale them, then any , or all the Chirurgions and Phyftions through thewholeworld. lithemaladies therfore ofany good mandoe proue fometimes incurable, and cannot be holpen , it proceedeth notfrom the defe61ofhis loue, as though he negle- ¿ed todoe themgood: nor from anywant ofability in him as though it were beyond hispower to recure them : (for it is al- waies eafiewith him to recure that whichhimfelfe didmake)but fromhis holy wifdome knowing the continuance of bodily in- firmities tobe healthful! for their foules , till that perfe l ref}itu- tion , andreparation be made oflife, limmes, and fenfes at the glorious Refurre&lion. Confutation of thofe that afcribe all the members ofthe bo- dy, with the powers and faculties ofthefoule to nature, gene- ration , conception, , and fecond caufes, and lookenot to God who is the Lordofnature, and the tauter ofall mediateandCub- ordinate caufes. TireProphet Da:id had an hart that vnder- flood more, and an eye that pierced further,when he yeeldeth to the Lord the honour afwell of his conception, as of creation, .139.7).13. faying : Thou-hall coueredme in my Mother r wombe, Iwillpraif thee : for Iamfeareffsly, andwonderrfulymade. My bonesarenot ¡:d4efrom thee, though Iwas made ina f cretplace, andfafhioned beneath