Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

er.13. beneath in the earth. Thine eyes did fee mee , when I wiu without firme : for in thy booke wereallthinges written which in continaw ancewerefafhioned, when therewas none ofthembefore. Verf. 13. Loue not fleepe, !calmtho:i comevntopouerty : open thine eyes, and thou/halt befatisfied with bread. T Ownotfleepe,] ThoughGod graunt thee liberty to take thy Li tea , and to refreíh thy wearybody withfleepe, yet loue it not , delight not toomuch in it , glue not thy felfe vnto it , nor vfe it exceffiuely , nor otherwife glue ouer thy felfe to flouthful ;_. neffe : for under immoderate fleepe which is one exercife there- of, he comprehendeth all the reff, leaft thou come topouerty, this he alleageth as a reafon, why he would not haue men tobe too fleepy and flouthfull,becaufe filch idleneffe begetteth and brin- geth forth beggary. Open thine eyes, be watchfitll, and diligent- ly apply thybufineffe in thy calling : for many are too wakefull for playes , and cardes , and dice , and dauncing , anddrinking, and other diforders : and thou/halt befatisfiedwith bread , it (hall goe well with thee , and by thine honefl labours and induflry, thou (halt poffeffe,ifnot aboundance ofall thinges needefull for thine eflate , yet enough, and fo much as thou fhalt be content with, andbyGods bleffìng finde very fufficient. 1 The abide oflawfullthinges is vnla'xfull and hurtfiill. Mode- Die rate fleepe is needful!, thewordof Godalloweth it , the Lord himfelfe befloweth it, the nature ofmtian requireth it , but tode- light in it, to exceede in it , to fall into it too often , or to conti- nue in it too long , this is finnefull , this is daungerous y this in- gendreth corruptions in the hart , this doth breede annoyances to the body, and this cloth worke theruin to theeflate. The impediments whereby the guefis were flayed from the great fupper in the Gofpel, were affaires not finnefull and euill in their owuenature :.tobuiyOxen, to purchafe Farmes, tomarryWiues isno where forbidden in the Scriptures , andyet when they aftë- eted thofe earthly commodities , more then they delighted in Godsheauenly banquet, and chofe rather in aworldly manner tobe dealing withthem , then iti areligious manner tobe refre- Luk. i 4. (hed