er t 3. flied with that , they (hewed themfelues vnthankefull torhe Lord, andmore injurious to their owne foules, though theynei- ther-fiole theOxen; nor tooke the Farines by violence, nor com- mitted Fornication. And who candeny eating, drinking , mar- rying waves, and giuing inmarriage , buying , felling planting, andbuilding tobe thinges in thenífelues allowable , yea profita- ble , yea neceflàry for every mans life, for publike fociety , and for the general good ofmankinde ? And yet when theold world would drowne it felfe in them, it was byGods righteous iudge- 17..i6.t7 ment drowned alío for them : and for the famecanfes among o- thers Was Sodome defiroyed , and by the like fhall detlruetioti takeoccafion tocome fodainly on the wicked at theend of the world, before the refUrre&}ion. Real Firfl,finne hideth it felfemore clofely in thepraáhfe ofthings a.. not (implyeuil, then in:grofle offences,and therefore with grea- ter cunning beguileth men and confequently draweth many more into the &tares thereof, then fall into open wickedneflè. There are not fomany theeues, as couetous worldltngs; there are not fo man/adulterers, as doe abufe and peruert marriage : there are not fo manydrunkards, as fuch which drinke much more then neede requireth, or for lawfull delight may be per- mitted. Secondly, when men are fallen into finnes of this nature, it is moredifficult toget out ofthem, and come to repentance, their harts are not foprefl'ed with the burdenofthem : the worldcry- eth not out fhame vpon them : their brethren be not fo ready to reproue them : their tongues finde matter tomake defence of them : they haue the company of the moll to walke in the faine way with them. lnfiru&ion tobe waryand watchfull in all our wales, tokeep t, a mediocrity , to fhunne the extreames. As in our vocations to be neither remiffe, nor yet too feuere taske-mafiersover our felues, for theoppreffing ofour mindesor bodies. And for our efiates, to beneither negligent, norouer greedy,and vnfatiible. And the fame rule is to be obferued in our apparel! , inour re- palls, in all ourdelights, and ineuery thing that we deale in. It is agoldenprecept whichS. Pawl giteth inone of hisF.pif}les, requiring