Ver'.14. requiring that they which haueWines beas though they hadnone: I,Cor.7. t .3 and they that weepe,as though they wept not : and they that reioyce, as though they reioycednot : and they that buy, íu though they pof flednot : and they that vfe this world, as though they vfed it not. Confutationof them that thinke the lawfulneí e of anymat- 2. ter will beare themout, andgrue the warrant to a61 the fame in the corrupte l manner. Theyhold it fufficient to iuíìifie their 2- &ion , ifthe thingmay at allbe done : ifproofemaybe brought ofthe:famepraaife, thoughwith different circumilances : if e- uer anyotherhaue wel performed it,howabfurdlyfoeuer them- felues peruert it And therefore many will make themfelues drudges tothe world , becaufe it is a duty tobe diligent in their callings : many will grow to be fierceand violent, becaufe it is good to be feruent and zealous : many will make fports and pa flumes their continual! occupations, becaufe it is meetefome. times to vfe recreations. Verf.14. It is naught , it is naught , faith the 40yer: butwhen he icgoneapart, he boafieth. IT is naught, it is naught,] Albeit the ware cheapened be good, andwell worth theprice dernaunded by the feller,, yet the couetous buyer, to the end he mayget it better cheape, whiles he is biddingmony for it, difpraifeth it to the vttermot1 : but whenhe it goneapart, heboafieth, after he hathbought the thing , and behind the fellers backe , he praifethhis bargaine, bothforthegoodueffe ofthe commodity, and for thegoodpe- ny-worthwhichhe had therein. And hereby in like manner the difpofitionandbehauiouroftbe feller is to be vnderllood,which are as forwards to extoll; and fet out that which isbadde , as the other to finde fault with that which is good. For ifthey be both falfe and wicked,as this tea}ironyconcerneth noneother, they will depart with their owne with no more truth , and equity, then they fecke to comebyan other mans, and the Lord doth atînuch looke into, and loath the iiiiuílice ofthe one, as of the other. ¶ The Lord doth take notice of all the behauiour of men in Da S their