Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

x30 PROVE S. Chap. LQ. their trafficking one with an other. In this place he markethand reporteth what fpeech paffe be. tweene them while they are together, and what they fay oftheir bargaine after they aredeparted afunder. In Hofea he obfer- ueth , and relateth what pra&if;s theyvfe tobeguile one theo- . 2. verf.i. ther, and withwhat affe&ions alfo they doe it , faying He is a Marchant, the ballances ofdeceit are inhis hand : he loueth to op- pref e. Iii eAmot he fore-feeth , anddifclofeth whatpurpofes they haue of falfe-hood, and iniuflice, and how greedy they ar'e to fall to it, beingdefirous , if they could , to chafeaway , and fhorten the Lords owneSabbaths , and Holy-dayes , that they might be about this lnnefiillbufineffe. And therefore,fay they, os. 8. v.S.6. Wbenwill thenewMoone begone , that wemayfellcorne ?and the Sabbath, that we maylet firthcorne andmake the meafiíre fmall, and thepricegreat,andfalfifiethewaights by deceit ? That wemay busy thepooreforfiluer, and theneedy fir'hoes : and f ll therefufeof the Wheate. Safi Firfl, the perlons buying, felling, and bargayning are his,and. Z. therefore he hath authority to looke narrowly in their courfes, that he maypunifh thewrong doer, and right the caufe of the wronged. 2. Secondly, themarchandife and wares which arebought and fold are his, and his goods areabufed, when they are paffeda- way, or gottenvnrighteoufly. 3. Thirdly, theordinance ofbargayning and trafficke is his, and he hath appointed it : buying, and felling , and exchange of commodities is by his inflitution, andwarrant, and therefore he noteth whether it bewell vfed, orperuerted. 4. Fourthly, his law is obeyed, or tranfgrefed, and either fer- vice is performed to him., or otherwife finne is committed a gainfi him,inall the matches and covenants that men doe make.. Tlf . Infru6tion for vs to takenotice ofhis prefenceat our bargay t. ning, ashe doth ofour demeanour therein; confider that his eie doth fee thya&ions , and earnefilybeholdeth what thou doef with thine hand , and his Bare doth,heare thy fpeeches, and fe- rioufly hearken what thou vtterefl with thy tongue, beware therefore that hee finde thee not compafling thy neighbours money