Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

money or goods with iugling tricks,anddeceitfull breath.Ifthy dealing benot allowable tobe vied to the greatefl,attempt not 'to offer it at any time to the meanefl ; and if it would not be found iuflifiablebeing fifted by the wifefi , thou hurtefi thy felfe inpraaifing ofit to the fimplefl.. For who is fo great , and whom doth the matter fo neerelyconcerne as the Lord ? And whobathfo much vnderflanding as he which vndertaketh to redreffe the wrongs of thofe that are foonefl beguiled ? It is gooddifcretion tofeare thePillery , and to keepe thy felfeout ofthe Magifirates danger,by fhunning thofe offenceswhereby thou mightefl incurre fuch punifliment,and is itwifedomc to be careleffe ofhell fire,and to call thy felfe into the hands ofGod, that hefhould be prouoked to plague thee for thy fraudulent courfes ? Reproofe ofthem that feldome or neuer vfe any commerce without corruption,their bargaines for buying or fellingbegun with lying,and concluded with oppreflìons. And this not the fault ofa few : for very-few , yea almofl noneat all are free from it. Men come to the Market,as they were wont to come to the games ofrunning,andwreftling , and firiue who (hall bee the fwiftefl ór firongefl, topreuaile againfl others, or ouercome their Antagonifis in doing of iniury;and fo that fayingof the Prophet is daily verified : Emery man hunteth his brother with a Net. Cufiome bathmade falfhood fo familiar with Chap-men andTradfe-men , and thofe which vfe tocheapen othermens wares or haue ought to fet to fale , andvtter oftheir owne, that theyknownot how to chaffer without it : they wouldEland mute,vnleffe it dire6led themhow toparle together. Who, a- mong hundreds dooth not demaund aboue the worthofthat which he bath to fell ? And who among thoufands Both offer at firfl according to the valueofthat he is about tobuy?Andboth beconui&ed ofvntruth,before theydepart afunder,and yet nei- ther ofthemafhamed thereof, as ifit were allowed fora poynt ofgood thrift,to lie for aduantage. For after theyhaue conten- ded awhile about the matter, the one inlargeth'his offer, and payethmore then(he protefled)heeeuer wouldgiuc for it , and theother abatethofthat he dewanded,and felleth for leífe then S z (he