Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

(he fwore)he could affoord it. Ob. They are. driuen fo tovn_ der-bid,and ouer-askcby neceffity : for otherwifc men keepe off,and not askc or giue in anyproportion according to the va- lue ofthe commodity. Anfw. Yeelde that,and be it that thou art otherwife like tobe bid too little, will that thereforewar- rant thee to demaund toomuch ? And what though it be prized at toogreat a rate,andhoyfled vp toohigh,wil that iuflifie thee, ifcontrary to thy knowledge,thou extenuate it ouer- much,and debate it too low ? Nooffer, nor demaund from others , dooth- binde thee-to fell cheaper,or buy dearer then is equall , without thine owneconfent, and howdarefl thouthen feeke toward offthe ncedleffe feare ofa füiall hinderance to thineeflate, with the committingofa manifefi andgreat offence,againfl theLord and thine owne confcience ?But be it thou mull neceffarily fu- flaine fome Joffe by tying thy felfe to plaine dealing-, becaufe thou wilt not defile thy felfe with vntruth,andcraftines,yet will' the conferuationofthineinnocency and vprightneí%, be gaine füfl'"icient tocounteruaile, and ouerpoyfe it. Notwithflanding all that is fpoken,and preached , and written againff this enor- mousmif-deameanour,yet what is tobe found any where more frequent and common then it is euery where t As though God were to be worfhipped onely in the Church, and at holy affem- blies on the Sabboath daies, and the Diuell to bee ferued in fhoppes,.and at euill meetings on Market daies. Noman almofl cloth thinke it a finne,or is afhamed tobe taken with a lie in this cafe,thoughhe gaud vpon.the reputation of his trueth and ho nefiy,and accounteth it a diíhonor to bereproued in any other matter.. Confolation for them that meane,and.fpeake, and dealefaith- fully in their Couenants and bargaines : the Lord doth incline his_eare to that which they doe truly affirme; and his eyes with delight and fauour,beholdthe righteoufneífe which is exerci- fed by them,and he will publifh andreward it to their eternalI praife and hapineffe.. The matter was well handled betweene .,, eMraham and theHittites, for geflures, wordes , and- equity on both parts,and the memoriallthereofis , and (hall beconti- nued in the Scriptures , and Churchof God to the end ofthe world,,