er t5. ¡33 world,fo commendable,andacceptablea thing it is to fpeake vprightly. Carnal men dire¬ their tongues fo much to fpeake truth, Dee 2 as tofeeke their owne aduantage. That is naught by their teflimony, which they wouldget for naught,though they thinke it tobe good : and then it is praife- worthy,when theymay gaine praife by thehavingofit. The lip ofthe truth,as it isPaid in another place , will be liable forewer'. anda lyingtongue, butfor amoment. Where fee the pointhand- ledmoreat large. Verfe 15. There isgold,anda multitude o f pretiosufizoner: but the lips o f knowledgeare apretious Iewell. HE hability,and confcience, and vfe offruitfiull (Peaking is here commended byComparifon , beingpreferredbefore thole thingswhich are ofgreatefl eflimation in the world, there rsgold,great flore ofit,inMynes,in Coyne,inPlate, inChaines,. and Ornaments,and diuerfly vfed,and much defired and`fet by, anda multitudeofpretiotufenes,great varietyofrichgemmes,as Diamonds,Carbuncles,Rubies,Iafpers,Saphires,Emerauds, &c. and many ofthe feuerall forts ofthefe, but the lipps ofknowledge,. themouth,and lips ofagodlywifeman,vttering that found and holyknowledge whichdwelleth in his heart , area pretious Ie- well,furmount,and aremoreworth then all the treafures before mentioned,and therefore more tobe accounted of. See chap. Verte 16. Takehisgarment that isf fire), for aflrange man, andmake him giue apledge that vndertaketh for a firscnge Woman.. Pr 'Akehisgarment,] receiue a fufficient pawne ofhim and prouide for thine owne indernnity,that thoube not defrau- dedofthat which thou lendefl, and ifnobetter fecurity canbe giuen thee,receiueand keepe his Cloake or Gowne, or Coate, that islivery foraflranger,which giuethhis word for fuck as he S: 3, ought