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od.zs,t6. 047.13. `'B1i.33.Zó. ought not : for Tome vnacquainted withvs , maybevndertaken for in their_difireffes,when their needeBooth iu(ily require that helpe which we Cannot ofour felues minifter vnto them , and yet mayprocure byour word,at anothermans hand : and fome well knowne vinovs,and ofour neerefi kindred , maybe flran- gers in this cafe,yeathe better knowne , the more vnfit that we íhouldpromife forthern,hauing experience oftheir vnfufficien- cy,orvnfaithfulneffe. effndmakehim leaueagage that vnderta- kethfor a(grangewoman. A firange woman in the Scriptures, is vfually,and euerywhere, for ought we remember to thecon- trary,taken for an harlot, or vvhorifhwoman ; thefenfe feemeth tobe,that ifanymanwould offer togiue his word for an Har- lots debts , or take vpought in his ovine name to beflow ona Whore,he fhould not be taken , nor haue any thing lent vnto him,withouta morgage,or competent pledge , or fuch found fpecialty,as will certainely counteruaile the fumme which he is bound for. The libel ty and limitation offuretieihip hathbeene fomewhat more fpokenofinthe eleauenthChap.ver.I 5. ¶ They that rafhlycan themfelues intodebt, are not fo fauou- rably tobe dealt with , as they that fall thereinto throughne- cefiîtie. In thebehalfeofthepooreand needy, who were driuen to borrow for reliefeofthemfelues and their families,theLord gi- ueth that chargeto the wealthier fort : If thou (halt receiue to powne thegarment ofthy neighbour,reiforeit vnto him before the Sunnegoeth downerforthat onely is his cowering , that it his gar- ment for his sk,inne :wherein(hall he fleepe ? Therefore when bee cryeth tome,Iwill heare him,for I am mere( ll. And heere a- gainfilauifh and vnaduifed fureties,andborrowers , he warran- teth men,yea heperfwadeth them,yeahe layeth a commaunde- mentvpon them and repeateth the fame in the felfe fame words in the Chapter following, that they take their garments for pledges. And as heere he dire&eth the creditórs what they íhould doe,fo hereafter he foretclleth fuch manner of fureties what theymuff looke for : but in the wayofadmonition,to the end they fhould preuent the perrill and trouble. Be not thou of them,faithhe,that touch the hand,nor among them that arefore- t)