Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

Vex!i6. PROVERBS. I 3 5 tyfor debts. Ifthouhaftnothing topay,why caufefi thou that bee fhoiild take thy bedfrom , Tinder thee ? Firfl,as it is a duety tobe pitifull , and ready to helpe them whofe necde,and indigency doth require cornpaflion andmer- cie,fo is it goodwifedome tobe waneand circumfpecr$ that we impouerifh not our felues by fluffing ofthofe that want difcre- tion and fidelity. Forhowmay he that is careleffe ofhimfelfe, and his own eflate,byrufhing into fnares andperrils,be thought to be prouidentfor thee and thine,by keepingoftouch andper- forminghis promifes ? Secondly,by hard conditions and rough intreaty theymaybe flayed at firfl,or reclaymed at lafl,from their vnthriftycourfes , when they (hall tafleofthe bitterneffe, and feele the (mart and paineofthem. Thirdly,who knoweth the good effe&s whichmay infuevp- pon it ? whether theymaynot therebybe tamed , and holpen to repentance,and alienatedfrom the focietyof fuch mates, as are wontafter that manner to intangle their Companions ? Infirue'lionnot onely to fhunne and haue in deteflation, that odious,though plaid-61e finneofrafh and caufeleffe furetiefhip, butalfo withdue deliberation, and judgement to informe eur felues of theirhability,and honefly whom weaccept offor lu re- ties. It is fafer andeafier at the firfl to reie6 him that would circumuentvs whiles we reteine our money or goods in our hands, thenafterwards tohunt him,when wee haue already fu- flained the loífe. But as for them that are conflrained fome times to follow fuites by reafonofeuil debtors,by,whom. other- wife their Hate would be impaired, and their families wronged, let them alwaies proceede more firi6,11y againfi a wrechlefFe furctythat is without care,though thedue be neuer difcharged, then a poore wel-meaningprincipall,that is without míeanes to difchargethe due. But what ifhe be beggarlyalfo,and vnable tomake payment ? yetlet him beare the burthen of his pride, anddifiimulation,that tookevpon him the perfon ofa rich man, and made not his neceffityknowne,butboaffed fo ofhis wealth. and hability,as ifhe hadnot onely to maintainehimfefe,but to fatisfieother mens debts. Yet this is not to be extended a- gaini+ a. 3. Vfe.