Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

1.3. N , dp.2o. gainfi all fureties : for many dealt ferioufly, though imprudent - ly,when they gaue their bonds with purpofe tomake that good which the debtor himfelfe íhould faile of, but their e1 ates are decaied fince,afwell as the principals that they cannot performe it: and to thofe thus already affli&ed,it were inhumane to adde afflióìionby extremity. And many running headily into this finne,when they were ignorant , doe now difcerne thedaunger ofit,and doe vnfainedlybewaile hauing gottenvnded-landing: vnto thefe therefore,beinghumbled for their fault, and fubmit- ting themfelues, the more lenity and mercie is to be chewed. And many,though themfelues be as foolifh, falfe,and vnthriftie as euer they were,yet hauewiues, and children more innocent and harmeleffe,whomuf} ofnecefíity , fall into greatwantsand calamities,iftheybepurficed with rigour. And thefe are fome- what to be fpared,though not fortheir owne fakes,yet for their families. Verfe /7. The bread o fdeceite is fired to At man : but after- witrds bis mouth'hallbefilledwithgrauell. His whole fentence is allegoricall,whereinvnlawfull gaine 1 is refembled to foode , the delight that it firfi bringeth to thepleafant tafleofdelirious meats,themindc to a mansmouth, and the rnifchiefes that follow togrit,or littleBones , whichare veryofftenfiue tothe teeth. The breadofdeceite, all manner of maintenance,orcommodities, craftily, cruelly, or by anyvniuf means compaffed,andgotten,isfweet toaman,maketh a world- ling and an vnrighteous perfon ioyfull and glad : but afterwardr eyther inhis life time or at his death , or in the world to come, hismouth'hallbefilledwith grasgell, fomegreat and grieuous mi- feries 'hall befall him. For eyther his confcience will Ringeand bitehim,and fo he 'hall be vexedwith feares and horrours, or elfe the handofGodwill infliapunifhment and plagues upon him , and fohe 'hail be ouer-whelmed with anguishand tor- ments. 5 Nothing isfo pleafant to the wicked , as that which is moil hurtful By