rer.T¡. 137 By thisvnlawfixll lucre his neighboure is wronged, his ovine confeience burdened , his foule and bodie both in daunger to be deftroyed,and thatfor euer ; and yet it is for his tooth , it more delighteth him then his dinner. It bath beone alwaies and euery where to be found,that the baites of firne are more deleaable to fleshly men,then the bleflìngs ofGod. See Chap. 9.ver, i7. If But afterrvards, &c. Though iniquity , and wickedneffeyeelde pleafures at the beginning yet they will put men to paine in the end. TheDiuell Ilroweth fuger on the topofhis cup offnne, to in- courage them that drinke therof,to take a gooddraught, but he mingleth poyfon in the bottorn,which working their defiru1i- on,will turne tobe as bitter as gaule. Our great Grandmother Euah tailed thereof,and felt this to be true by wofull experi- ence,beingdeceiued by the faire colour, and delicious relifhof the forbidden fruite,and by Satans falle tefiimony, making her beleeue that difóbeying the commandement ofGod fhe fhould purchafe to her feife forne rare and fngular happines. And all feerned tobe fo,vntil íhe had vndoneal bydravving her husband into the faine tranfgreffió withher. And Iudas no doubt,thoght that he had made a good match, when he recovered the fauour ofthehigh Prie(3s,and principall men,and gained fuch a fuinrne ofmoney by felling ofhis Mailer , but theonly beginning of themifery which followed,did foone fxallow vp all the delight that went before. We might proue the point moi} clearely by in(lancing in feuerall kindes of tannes, and (hewing the euent of particulars, but one or two may fufñce for many. Concerning Whoredome,thus tellitieth Salomon: The lippes ofa grangewo- Prori.$.3.4 man droppeas anbony combe,ànd her mouth is morefoft thenaye : But the end o fher is bitteras wormezvood, andfharpeas a two ed- gedfword.And againli drunkennef e this admonition hegiueth : Prou.z3.3 Loo4,enot thouvponthe Winewhen it is redde,andwhen itfheweth hiscolour in the cuppe;or goethdomepleafanty. In the end ther- itwill bite'li,kea Serpent,andhurt like a Cockatrice. See Chap. 9.verfe IS. T Verfe