Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

Dort. 138 PROVERBS. Chap. w. Verf.18. Eftabb/h tk), thoughts by counfazle and by prudent aduife make warre.: HE giueth in thefe wordes a caueat , that noman fhould kale too much on his owne iudgernent, nor too fodaine- ly relolue on enterprifes , without mature deliberation and found direó ion. Eftablijh thy thoughts by counftile,that thypun- poles be not variable, and vnconflant, and that thy proceedings be not without profperou: fucceflè,and fo vncomfortable:make as Pure workeas thoucanfl, both to confirme thy winde, and to manage thine aflaires in the bell manner , and therefore cotn- rnunicate thy matters with fuch thy friendes as are both wife,, and faithful!. And looke well to this that Gods holy word be one, and the chicle , euenbefi regarded , and moll obeyed ofall' thy couníailours ,fo that nothingbe praaifed , or hearkned to, again(l it. And by prudent adiaif make warre, efpecially in all matters ofweight , ofwhich fort warre is, (wherein the efiates of Countries , and the lines of manyperlons are hazarded) let nothing be raf}ilyattempted ,but all thingeswell confidered of, andconfiiltation had with men of piety, vnderflanding, skill, and experience._ 4r- A mans wildoine feructh him for befi vle, when he will not refevpon it alone, butbe holpen bythe couniaile ofothers. See Chap. i 5: verf. 22._ Byprudent aduifèmake: 'Tame, &c. Wifdome and good coun- faile are as needcfull and auaileable for warre, as firength and power. If there be mucharmour, and littlepolicy : if many refolute Souldiers to fight, and few difcreet Captaines to leade : if they haue firong bodies , and weake iudgements , a great army may be eafily vanc¡uifhed of a fmall company. Though a fieldwere full of armedGyants, and eueryone ofthem a Goll ah, yet ifthey were blinde, and depriucd of their eye-fight, who had caule to fland in feare ofthem ? and of whom among all their enimies, had theynot reafon to fland in feare ? And who beblinder in their bodies , then they, that be rafh and ledwith proudecon- - ceites, and felfe-liking,are in theirmimics ? Now let rs fee what other.