Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

Yer, other Texts ofScripture doe accord with this, for the confirma- tion of this point. In the foure and tv' entithChapter of this booke, it is Paid : r 4wifeman is lirong : for man ofvnderflan- Prauerb.z4, ding increafeth hisflrength. Fo,° with counfaile t houflalt exercife thy warre , and in the multitude of them that can glue counfaile, there is health. And in Ecciei.a(ticus there is a laying not much different from this in fcnfe and meaning : Better if wiídome then Eccl.9.u.t, flrength, though them/dome ofthepoore be def7eifed,and his wordes not heard Better is wzfdotne there werpons ofwarre , andone that f aruethfrom it delroyeth muchgood. Fir1l , íucceífe and vicaory are not according to the forces of Real. men, but according to the pleafureof God : eri Ding , faithhe, 1. isnot fauedby the multitude ofan hoafl,neither is theMightyman fc33° I deliuered by great f rength. An horf is a veinehelpe , and /hall not definerany by his f rength. Nov whomwill he beil profper, but thofe which are moil fcruiccable veto him ? And who per- forme fuck acceptable feruice , as they which haue vnderllan- ding, and feeke vnderf?anding, which are able to giue counfaile, and yet in the humblenefre of their fpirits , and fight of their owne wants, are diligent and (ludious to learne counfaile. Secondly, the vfe ofwifdome and faithfull aduife, for matters . of wane , in many refpeas is moll expedient and necefary. It . examineth whether the cwufe be righteous, or vniu!},or whether it be feafonable , or vnfeafonable to take it in hand . What ham fiened Achats deflrtAion , and caufed hire tobe flaine and pe- 1. King. %t. rifh at Ramoth in Gilead ? His contempt of the Prophet Mi- caaahs counfaile, who fora-told himofthedanger infuing. And for that voyage alíowas goodKing Ieho/l2 Tph, t blame-worthy, and worthily blamedby the Prophet Zebu. 1.Chron. 19. verf z. We read of nothing wherewith that worthy IoÍah might bee taxed in any fort , but only this that he «as tooadventurous to incounter inbattaile with the King of,/fgtpt,vvithlut warrant, and contrary to that counfaile which Necho gane him from the t.ebro.. : mouth ofthe Lord , to the loífe of his life, and the forrow and woe ofall his fubieds. It findeth out the fittef} times for truces, peace, leagues, and what conditionsare to beoffered , or yeel- :ded vnto , with other thingesoflike nature. It diredeth to the T heft