Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

® ` S. Chap. 2O. beflmeanes ofaduantages , of places , and other opportunities yet iutl and honefl, for the fortifyingofthemfelues , andweake- ningofthe enimy, yea for the winning ofthe vi6fory, and van- quifhingofthe enimy. And further alto it proceedeth to teach how after this , theviaory is tobevied , towhome mercy is to be fhewne, and to whom fcuerity, who is tobe (pared, and «rho is tobe finitten, &c. 17:P. Reproofe ofthem that are not called to warreor privatecon- x, tentions by theperfwafionofwifdome, for thedefence ofequi- ty, and truth and thrufl into the fame by the infligation of ma... lice, pride, and couetoufnefe, for mifchiefe, vaine-glory , and commodity, which, vkhatfoeuer their íucceífe fall out tobe, may affure themfelues that they cannot fpeede well : though they are neuer fo mighty , yet they are indanger to be foyled by m: aver then themfelues : and though they feeme topreuaile neuer fo much , yet then they are moll grieuoufly hurt when they haue effe&ed thcir purpofes anddone mot} hurt. When they van- quifhmen, theyare ouerthrowneby (inne, when they triumph ouer their weaker neighbours , they are leddecaptiues by their firong lufls : when theyget great fame and booties , and in ap- pearance exalt their names, and families, they incurre much di- fhonour and Idle , and vtterlyvndoe their poflerities. Nebu- chadnezzar of Babel in all mens opinions for that time, was moil happy and fortunate, which byhis proweffe , and valiant exploites, made himfelfe famous in all thofepartes of the world, lie inlarged his Dominions, andpof1eflïons , that noman in his age was fo mighty, puiffant, and renowined as he, andyet all this tended tohis ownedeflruóuion, and in the end, to the igno- minv, ruine, and fübuerfion ofhis family, as the Prophet tefli- fieth. Becaufe thouhaftf foyledmanyNations , all the remnantof thepeople(hallf fBoyle thee, becaufe o fmens blood, andfor thewrong done in the Land, in the Citty, and unto all that dwell therein. 2. verf S. I -Io, he that coueteth an euillcouetoufnefe tohis hoof; , that hemay fit hisneft onhgh to efcapcfrom thepower ofeuill. Thouhaft con- edfhame to thineowïe hoofe, by defiroyingmanypeople,andhaft finned again ji thineownefoule. z. Inflrution for euery one to confirmehianfelfe in the fpiritual battaile