r rer .19. r41 báttaileagainfl Sathan , andhis ovine finnefull nature, by holy t' ifdome, with the aduifc and affflance ofhis Godly, judicious, and faithful teachers,andbrethren. For the enimies.ofourfoules are ofall, others the mofi crafty,and tnighty,our mifery the grea- tefl, ifwebe conquered; and our viaory the happiefl , ifvve o-, uercotne; which we mayvndoubtedlyexpea to do ifwe choofe this heauenly wifdome for our leader,andyeeld our felues accor- dingly tobe direaed , andgouerraed by it. It is no malice tobe implacable, and to beare a deadlygrudge againfl thofe aduerfa- ries : neither is it cruelty to kill and flay them,and todoe afinuch hurt vnto them , as with all our might we mall be able. And therefore it is goodproudence to firengthen our felues to this conflia, by the befa meanes we can , and we can hauenobetter then the counfaile of God out ofhis holyword, nor any good at all, befides thofe which his word doeth prefcribe, and they are all fpirituall. Verf. i9. With him that goeth about as aflanderer , difclofing afeeret,andwithhim thatflatteretb with his lips ioyne not thyfelfe. A Lbeit it is a good thing to take counfaile , yet it is not fafe ;, for a man to c6municate his affaires to all forts ofperforas : for ifa fecret be not kept , counfaile is made frufirate. Where- fore he giueth a caueat to beware, among others, oftwokindes ofpeople efpecially,whereofthe firfl are flanderers,and tale-tel- lers, whom (as he did in the eleanenth Chapterverf, 13.) he re- fembleth to Pedlers,whomingle fundry forts ofwares together, and goe from place toplace to vtter thofe thinges which they haue received from others , for that they tell that to this man, which they heard of that, and wander hither and thither to ga- ther vp tales to tell wherefoeuer they come , and commonly re- port them otherwife, and farreworfe then they heard them,nei- their is there any thing that they can conceale , what dangersor mifchiefes foeuer the difclofingof it will procure. Ofthe fecond kind areflatterers, fuch as will fpeake faire,and gloze with their tongues,.pretending loue, and profeffïng good liking , when they doeonly found thee tobemade acquainted with thy purpufes. T3 It