Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

ap. io. sEi, It is goodwifdome not to truf} a flanderer , or tel-tale with I. thy fecrets. They that complaineofothers to thee, will not be fpariná to complaine ofthee to others : and he that will deale treacherouf lywith one man , may bedoubted that he will fcarce deale truly with any man. And therefore the Lord by the Prophet, doth admonifhhis people to take heedeof Lich, as like Thornes and Briarshauevied to fcratchwith hand,or tongue,or other means how neare fo euer they areunited vntovs. The befit ofthem,faith he , ie á Briar , and the moll righteous ofthemù(harper then a .7. v.4.5 Thorny hedge. Trullyee not a friend, neitherputyee.confidence in a Counfailour : keepe the dores of thymouthfiomher that lyeth ita thy bofome. Dauid was fo farre from admitting fuchmanner of perlons tohis Counfaile , as that he would not permit them to dwellin his Court nor , (if they wereconuieedofthat crime, though clofely committed) fuffer them at all to liue in his King- dome , but vowed to deflroy him that primy fbould'Zander his neighbour. Sec Chap. it. verf. i 3. oft. Both confultation , and conuerfation with flatterers is tobe auoided. That which is offered to their eares,,is not only loi, butper- uerted, to the hurt ofhim thatfpeaketh : and that whichprocee- deth from their lips , notwithflanding it fceme mofl plaufible, is verype: nitious tohim that heareth. The Prophet .Daurdknew and felt euill and mifchiefe by them to h is griefe and paine, and the Spirit...of God.knewe, and fawe moreguile and treachery in them to their owile woe anddefirucion , when 7)amid by the infpiration of the -Spirit doth lay iuchvillany to their charge, and paffeth fuch anheauy fentence again( them by way of prediaion, or imprecation, both tending to one is. V. 2 3. purpofe . They f freak.e deceitfully emery one with his neighbour, flatteringwith their lippes , and fJeaksng witha double hart The Lordcut o f allflatteringlippe;, and the tongue that fpeakethgreat _thinger. ea f; Firf},their faire fpeeches when they fhevv themfelues molt x, fmooth,and kinde,arevenemous andhurtfall, like furgred poy.- ions that are made fweete fox the mouth , and deadly ,for the ílomacke,