Ver.r9. s fornacke,andbowels . They inchant mens eares and hearts; and make them toomuch conceited ofthemiélues , and fo to loofe the comfort and rewardoftheirweldoing, when they doe well, and hinder them from repentance for their faults , and fo corn.- pell them to be plagued for their euill doings when they doe euill. Secondly,euery flatterer for the moft part is double tongued, 2. and can readily fpeake more languages thenone : one diale&of praife, or wherewith to pleafe and content men before their faces ; another of accufation , or wherewith to traduce men be- hinde their backes : one in (hew , to make them belecue that they be their f riends,andwith themwell ; and another in deed, tomake them findethat they are their foes , and as much as they areable,worke themwoe. So dealt e chitophel withDaurd , and hdas with Christ, according as the one is complained of, and the other foretolde of, in the Pfalmes : Thewordes of his mouth were (öfter then butter,yet morewas in his heart his wordes 'f' 554Yò were moregentle then Oyle,yet they werefwords. And adde here- unto , that many times by fociety and conference with them whom they will afterwards betray,they know their minds, they haue fifhed out their purpofes , theyare acquainted with their faults,they haue matter from their wordes,or a uions, to worke upon. Inftruaion not to giue incouragement to filch manner of P' men,to frequent eyther our houfes,or company; theywill Toone' be difcried and found out ofany that is wife , and not willing to be illuded : and ifhe vfe to conuerfewith thofe that deale plain ly,and faithfullywith him.- We (hut our dooms', and fence our ft1ues againa theeues which will rifle our houles, and take away our gold,filuer,or other goods which haue Beene bequeathed tows by men,or our owne halides haue gotten and (hall weo- pen them,andexpofe our felues to moreperilous robbers which will ranfacke our hearts, and to their vttermofl power , bereave vs ofour humility,andmodefiy, and other goodgraces which the Lord bath befiowed vponvs. Ob. But thefe that commit fuch burglaries drawweapons vpon vs,andwil not fpare to flied ourblood. Ant-vv. Thole that pra6 ife fuch flatteries,comevp- pon=-