Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

2. .3cá9.t®. pon vs with more dangerous weapons, and will not fpare with their keene tongues to bring our names into infamy , and to wound our confciences , which ought to be much more deare unto vs,then eyther money , or our heart blood. But hee that would not be torne with the tallants,and preyed vpon with the beakes offlatterers,mufi be carefull that he make not hitnfelfe a carion by ambition ; for euery proude man is willing to heare hitnfelfe praifed,and then flatterers muf}needes be the welcom- efl guefis to his table , and he fhall be the fweetell morfell for their teeth. Reproofe oftheir folly, which contrary to this wife leffon of the holyGho1},delight in none but fuch as will fawne vppon them,andclaw them,they are fo troubled with the itch ofvaine- glory. Yet their folly were the leffe(though it be too too great) ifthey would be fatisfied with private claw-backes, but they mu(} haueapprobation in their finfull courfes , by the Minillers of the word; theywould haue the Preachers in their Sermons, fpcaking in the nameof the Lord , to iuflifie their voluptuouf- ne%,pride,cruelty,worldlines, andother groffe vices, or at leali towinke at them,and faynothing again({ them.He is not agood Cooke to dreffemeate for their foules which will not powder it withpoyfon : neyther is he a Phyfition for their turnes , which will not like eAchabs falle Prophets, prefcribe to them that which they prefcribe to him , and tell them that it is a dusty meete to be done, whatfoeuer oftbemfelues they are defirous to doe. Ofthefe there were many in Efyes time, and againfi them he maketh this complaint : It is a rebellious people , lying children,andchildren that would not hears the lawofthe Lord; whichry vnto theSeers,fee not: Prophecy not vnto vs right things; hot ieakefattering thingsvetovs : Prophecy errours. Verle 20. Hethat curfeth his father or his mother, !ball haue hislight put in extrearne dark.!nefe. HE that curfeth hisfather or mother,] whichvttereth impre- cations,raylingand reuiling fpeeches,fcoffes and ie(is,or a- nymanner ofdiípitefull wordes againfi both his parents, or ey- ther