Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

er.20. ' 145 ther ofthem,to theirface,or behinde their backes,or after what fort foeuer he declareth by his words the bitternesof his heart, to bring themto contempt , and to profeffe how lightly and bafely he efieemeth ofthem ; fhall hark his light put out inex- treamedarkeneffe,all hisprofperity, which in the Scripture is of- ten compared to light, (hall be turned into woeand miferie, which is vfually tearmed by the name ofdarkeneffe. And this he fheweth (hall notbe ordinary,andfuch an aflii&ionas common faults are corre6led withal' , but exceeding grievous and feare- ftill,as appeareth by the Fpithete extreame , or as it is in the He- brew text,theblacknes ofdal knes. fi Rebellious children,and fuch as vilifie their parents are fub Dell. iea to force notable mifchiefe andpunifhment. Feat e , fhame,torment,death,and deflru&cion continuallypur- fue them, and will at length ouertake andapprehend them, and neuer leave till they haue haled them into.hell , and accompany them there for euer, .vnlefle they.,repent the fooner. Thefearg numbred among the the law, againfl whom the ìudgement ofGodis denounced with the confent and acclama- tion ofthepeople.. Curfdbehe that curfeth hisfather, andhis Deut.t7.i6. mother : andall the:peoplefhallfay :e%%.meno Fir(},fuchplagues are dueunto thern,andiullydeferued,con- eaf fidering theperfons w om they..difpife and thew themfelues r. contemptuous againfi,their father,that begate them ,. their moa ther thatconceyued them, theparties which.haue,beene caufes óftheir generation,fubilance,life,and_welfare , iftheyhaue any. And who then wpuld not deeme that. tongue .mofi worthy of feuerepunifhrent,andto be cut:.out ofthe head ? andhead, and it,with the wholebodyand foule toperifh together,that fpareth not to rate, or reproach them from whom by Gods appoint- ment it had it being , and confequently the habilitie of fpea- king. $econdiy;befide the.indignityoffered to parents , the great 2. nelle ofihe finne agaiuf[ God, doth call for fuch firoakes. For his law is violated , andhis commaundement broken , and art heinous offence is committedagainl him,as our Sauiour tellifi- eth in the Gofpell,by oppofing,t i pracaife to his precept land