141.1 5.3A. Ted P R 0 V, E R fl S. Chap.2,6. luflifying the penaltie.that is due for the fame. Why(faith he)doc e tranfgre fie thecommaundement ofGod by your tradition ? For Cod loath c ommaundcd,fayrng,Hónarir thyfather andmother:4nd he that curfethfatheror mother;let. himdie the de th.. If it be fault for feruants(whofe tongues God hathnot fo firicly bound to the good behauionr)to anfvvër againe to their'Gouernors : if wines which maybe bolder with their husbands , arenot yetal- lowed to be malapert,as Afichol was with David`,' but 'mu(i re- uerently fpeake to thetn,and ofthem,as wasSaraes demeanour towards Abraham , then it will proue an odious crime,andbru tifhdoggedneffe,for children to fnarle andbarke at , or inueigh againfi their parents. 3. Thirdly,.the righteoufneffeof Cod will not fuffer them' to efcape \\rich inzpunity,but callethupon the Magifirate, and re, quireth him to proceede againfi them , and doe iufüce vpporä them,faying,lfthere be any that curfeth his father,or hismether, hefhall die thedeath : teeing hehathcurledhisfather andhis mo- ther,his blood(hall be uponhim. And though men would feetne more mercifull thenhe , and iudge it cruelty toexecute this fen- tence fo fharpely,yet he often compelleth them to it,byputting fuckvnnaturall malefa&ors into their halides for other fads, as Rapes,Robberies,Murthers,Treafons,and fuch like offences,and to they are cut off,afwell theone.as the other, by the fword of iullice. And albeit they fhould not this way bebrought to their end by a violent death, as it cannotbe denied but that many e- fcapeeyther thofecrimes or punifhments, yet certainlyhis own hand will bring them to a miferabledeath, that they thall die a curled death , and be fwallowed vp ofeternall death. Infiru&ion for all children tobeware ofcontumelious Epee- ches,tending to the difgrace oftheir parents, as ofcontumaci- ous behauiour otherwife, or of violent anions for the hurt of their perfons. That which Ghould affright ,them from fpeaking reafon againfi thePrince,narnely,the feare of God, and perrill ofdifcouery,and punifliment ifit be difcouered ; ought allo to with-hold men fromvttering opprobrious worries againfi their fathersandmothers,fithence it proceedeth alfo from impietie, and iudgenientsare iike'w fexhreatncd againfi it. It is not laie ruit.zo.'. Vfe. to A