Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

er .-2d. toharbour a difloyall thought again(' thy Soueraigne , under whom thou liuefl , nor fomuch as to-whifper any thing tohis di honour : and it is dangerous to .conceiue -a bale opinibn: of thofe,out ofwhofe loynes and bowels thou haft difcended , c§r to fuffèr thytongue,thine eye,or thy miede tocontemne them. He that giueth this admonition , Curfenot the ICing,nonot in thy thought,neyther curie the rich in thy bed chamber fortheFûwies. o f thebeamen fhallcarry the voyce,andthat which bathwingsfhall declare thematter: the fame is the Authouifof this threarning: The eye that mocketh his father,anddeF feth the authorityofhis Prouerb. 30. rnother,the Raruens o f the -Valley fhallpicke it out , and theyoung Eaglesfhalleate it. Wou1de[1 thou then have a bright eflate ,a comfortable e1Iate,feare parents in thyheart , honour then' in thy wordes,obey them in thy deed s,and reúerence them in thy geflures. If thou ha(' failed informer times,amend,and reforme it now,andhenceforwards : and ifthey be gone , thatthou can(' not performe thefedueties vnto thétn,behumbledbefore,God, and repentwhiles yetthy light burneth , that thou=yeapre- uent,and flay that hideous darkeneffe oftetour andplagues, which otherwife will ouerwhelme thee. And Parents are like- wife tobe exhorted ; fo to looke to their owne waies, and fo to educate and traine vp theirchildren, that they may minifler help andnot be an hinderance vnto them for the ordering oftheir hearts,lippes, and anions. And therefore by conuerfation it concerneth them tobe their patternesand precedents, and by their gouernment tobe their guides and direaions , neytherv- fingrigour,as iftheywere Tyrants ouer their, nor too much retnifneffe as though they were but equals 'and fellowes with them. S.`Paul giuing a precept to Fathers, that theyprowkenot cet.3.1r. their children to angerlef theyfhouldbe difcouraged , dooth not meane that they fhould fuller them to liue without all control- ment,and be altogether regardleffe ofthem. Neither is it e- nough for fathers and mothers to take authority ouer ,.their formes and daughters,vnlcffe there beallo concord,peace , and good agreement betweene thenzfelues. For there will be par_ taking,ifthey growe to diuifion , and they that are on the mo- thers fide, mull l maintaine her caufe by impugning the father : V 2 and