Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

ail. 2o. and they that take the Fathers part , mull iu(lifi'e hisdealing by difpraiiìng the Mother , and it will be verydifficult todeaue to thembothfor fpeake well of themboth, when there is nothing but ciuil warre in the family. WIT. 2r. n hér+ititge i.r hatiy gottenat the beginning bu,t, the endthereoffhallnot be blefd. AN heritage,] 'L'ands gooks, money, ofnnces;or promo- tions, andthelike; i.rhaftiy gotten at thebegihning, is of many wicked men tlÙicklyatchieued byeuili meanes, bit theend, thereo f fballnot be6leJfed, the iffue ofit fl-fall be vnhappy and cur- fed ;partly'in thislefpeòf that it isa {bate to their foules,and flbp_' peth`their way-from eternal' life;and partly in this, that it is like tobe as badly f ent'as it was ill gotten, and he that'rofe vp to' wealth fo fodainly, may as fodainly, or by leafure fall into want, uer. as it is laid , . that a manwitha wickedeyeh.áf eth td riches , and' 1 jon e h trot=thgt pottery (hallcomeupon him.` And the thoughtsof uer. s z: V. s, the dibgent doe lively bringabar ndanee : but wlaofoeuer is Lily; commethfurely topouerty, & partly in this that it bringeth them' many perturbations and troubles whiles they letaine it. See" Chap. ro.v.zz.and tac 27i - Verf. 22. Say-nbr, Ì + llreco>1penceeuill , waite on theL'rd,' andhe willfaue thee. SAy not, I will reconTe ce euill,]"Be fo faire fròm reuenging thy felfe in deede , for iniu'ries done unto thee, as not in worries to threaten, or in miede topurpofe ally vengeance. Brit' waiteon theLord, commend thycatifeunto him,and flay his lea. lure till he deliuer thee, andhe willfane thee, he faith not, he will r-eucnge thee, and plague them , though he will doe fo , vnleffe our aduerfaries repent, yet he would not haìie vs ío muchto thinkeof, or dcfire that, as to put our trufi in him , referring our fe!ues wholly to that which feenieth him good to doe , without' defiring hurt to themwhich doe vs hurt: defence and faluation nt,.s, t'46 toour feluesisthat-whichwe mull feeke for, and pray (as our Sauiour