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Nerf. 22. p ' o L . Sauiour both did , and taught) that our enimies may rather be pardoned then punifhed. Now thefe vvordes are added to the former, both as a reafon thereofandan anfwere to an obieaion that might be vrged , or at 1eafi conceiued againfl the Precept in the HI claufe : If I reuenge not wronges , I Ball be vndone with wrongs,eueryman will boldly treaclevponme. Nay, faith he , there is no filch perill, the Lordwill take the caufe into hi.s hand , and helpe thee , and though it be not Io appal-ant-at firfl; yet thou (halt perceiue it at laflthat he is thyprote&our , it be ing his office to defend the innocent, and oppreffed. And whet- as it is faid that he will faue fuch as Waitevpon hitn,it is not fo to be vndcrtlood, that hewill alwaies deliuer them that are wron- ged from their prefent moleflations and troubles , that the ad- trerfary fhall be compelled to furceafe his pra&ifes :For many are vexedandpurfùcd as long as theyliue, and yet depend vpon God NA ith faith and patience : but though they continue in affli- , dons till their death, yet herein they finde him true ofhis pro- mife that he maketh them ouer-come their enimies , and aduer:- fities, and are vh torious by faith and patience , and thereby ob- taine eternall faluation , to thewhich the children'ofGodought principally to afpirc. ff' All kinde of reuenge1s vrílawfbll for Chrifliars. zoU. The law, and the C ofpell , t Chrift, and the Apof lest i. confent together in the forbidding ofit,and in many placespro- hibite it. As in Leuiticus , Thoufhalt not auenge , nor be mindfull Leuit.19. ßl. ofwrong agarnft the childrenofthypeople , but(halt loue thy neigh= boor as thy felfe. So inMatthew , Tee haue heard!tit it bath mattb,5.38 Beeneplied, an eyefr an eye, and a toothfir d tooth , but Ifayvntb you, refit*not euill,but whofoet d(hallfmite thee on the right cheeke, turne tohim theother alíó,' &c. that is, rather vüdcrgoe a fecond niury thenwith a reucnging'itnd requite the fifll. And this is the fenfe ofthat placë,which at the firfl fight fëemeth otherwife: for the Lord would not bane ns° het we haue fuflayned any wrong, to pull an other gon o. r felnes, fithence it is a finne not to take heede ofan iniury fore-feene,when it maybe preuented. For Chrifi himfelfe,and afterhimPaul, when they were flrookeh vpon one checke, didnot turne the other , but did greatly finde V 3 fault