Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

Ver made to take a fharnefull Foyle. Infiïuóion to beare injuries patiently , and according as our Test in hand Bothboth counfaile,.and command vs , to commit our caufes to him that iudgeth righteoufly , and will not permit any ofhis to be endatnaged by their confidence repofed in him : he will furclyheare them , and helpe them , and recompence all their íufl'eringswith comfort andbleffings. Thus doing, a man fhall Make his caufe , and not marre it : he {hall get the aduan- tage ofhis enimy , and not lofe it : Dauidknew this to be thefa- fetl way for his preferuation , and therefore accordingly fol- lowed it . They thatfeeke after my life, faith he, layfnares, and they that goe about to doe me ell , takke wicked thinges , and imagine deceit continually. But I as a deafemanheard not : andam as adumbe manwhich openethnot hismouth. Thus am I as a man that hea- reth not , and inwhofe mouth there areno reproofes. For on thee , Lord, doe IWaite ; thouwilt heare me , my Lord , my God. And our Sauiour Ieftcs Chrifl did not only praelife the fame , as the bell remedyagaintl his ovine perfecutions, and troubles , but as S.`Peter witnetleth , Left vs an example alto that wefhouldfollow his fleppes. Who when helms raided , reuiled not again : whenhe _fu fered , he threatned not , but committed it to him that iudgeth. righteoufly. Rcproofe of fierce men, which haue impotent affe&ions, though they thinke themmanly : that are not able to put vp the leatl offence that is, or feetneth to be offered vnto them , no not an vnkindeword , no not a word that foundethnot to theirli- king , how friendly fo euer it be meant. For whence doth this proceedebut fromweakenefafe,as all pafiion and difiemper is the imbecillity and feeblcneffe of the hart ? But with thefeD':ells, challengers, and quarrellers it is valour, fortitude , and magna- nimity : it is their boldnefle to be unnatural to fhedde the bloud of their brother, and dicers times of their dearetl friend and companion : it is their boldnefle to deface the Image of God, and contemptuoufly to tranfgreffe his law : it is their bnldnefle to hazard their owne Hate s, and families , fo many ofth- in as haste any, and to fall into the hand ofthe Magitirate : it is their boldneffc