L) z, nw v Z -n r, s. ap.Zo boldneffe defperately to expofe themfelues to the manifef1 peril( oftheir liues, to the wrathofGod, to the tormentsofhell , and to eternall damnation: this is theirboldncffe, and this is theDe- uils hardineffè, who is their Captayne and leader, but neither for his honour, nor theirs. And this ferueth alto for the repre- henfion and tcrrour ofother fortesofreuengers,and fuch as doe it by rayiing, reuiling , clamours, falíe accusations, threatnings, curlings, or anykinde ofmalicious fpeeches : and ofthem in like mannerwhofe harts are imbittered, andwithmuch mifchiefe, though they be filent through feare,and faybut a little : forGod dot,' hate fuch as haue bloudy mouthes,.and bloudyharts, afwel as thofe whichhaue bloudyhardes. Verf, 23. Dicers waights are abhomnnation to theLord , and deceitfulbalancesarenotgood. pruers Waights are abomination to the Lord, ] The Lord doethhate the finne which is committed by makingof greater and fmaller Waights ..and Meafures,, wherebymen arc defraudedoftheir right,and ashe det.efleth the finne, fo will he plague the (inner, and make him ralle of his difplealùre, end decertfullBalancesare.notgood. Balances by whichmenvlè to deceiue, as being too little, or toogreat, or any way fraudulent,. Arenot good, neither be they allowed as lawfiíll and warranta_ hie, but condemned as vniufl and tinfull, neitherbring they any proftto.thole that vfe them, though for a time they feeme gainefull .vnto them , but turne to their hurt and detriment, as at lal} they (hall find in their_Ettates,or Confciences. See Chap- ter t t.verfe i. Verf,24. Theieppesofman areoftheLord: Andwhat deth aman vnderflandofhis way ? ofman are oftheLord,] The Lordbyhis prouiTHefieppes dencebath thea ointment of thecogitations , purpofes, ar ions, andfpeecheso f all men , together with the fùccefíes, and euentsofall that theyBeale in, their goings out, their coin- zings