'e 4. mings in , their mouings , and flurrings are not by their owne firength,but bythepower and wil 'dale Almighty : a child that cannot goe alone, but is borne inarmes , bathnot foanuch aíTi- fiance from the Nurce or keeper, tovphold him or to teachhim how togoe, or let his foote forwards, as the wifef}, or flrongefl receiueth fromGod. And after a fpeciall manner by his grace and fpirit , he direð andguideth the harts andwayes of his people for his owne feruices , and their faluation. and what cloth a man vnderfland.of his way ? Who bath wifdome and knowledge of himfelfe rightly toorder his affaires , and to dif- cerne the cfleás and iffues ofthat which he taketh in hand , and to fore-fee the thinges which fhallbefall him? + 4r God bath a prouident hand in the difpofngofall menswaies. Albeit many refufe toobey his commandement,yet theycan- notchofebut doe that which he willeth,being conflrained ther- to by the force of hispower , though not perfwaded by the au- thorityofhis word. Jeremy was well affuredofthis, and there- fore both fpeaketh it confidently to the Lord himfelfe, who knowetlh and teacheth the certainty thereof, and writeth the fame for the vfe ofhis people , that theymight receiue on and confolation thereby. O Lord , faith he , I know that the Xer.Yo. ver way ofman is not inhimfelfe, neither is it mman to walke or to di rethisfleppes. Is not this euident in the reflraint of the crudi, wholepur_ poles andpower feeme to confpire together againfl the inne cent, the one in the fight of fenfe , being matchable with theo- ther, and yet they can effeei nothing that may annoy orhurt them. Efau in his ownequarrel[ minded tohaue donemuch a- gainfl Jacob , andBalaani for hire to haue fpoken much againfi I [rael, and yet nothing was done or Paidby either of them , but that \yltich was for the comfort oftheparties againfl whom they praEtifed. And whence but from this commeth it ; that mali- cious men are made benefaaours to their enimies, and thole whome they hate. As Pharao detefling the Hebrewes,totrain vp c.Vlofes an Hebrew and by whome the Hebrewes were to haue deliverance : theegiptians retayning the Ifraelites to be inrichedby.their labours, to glue away theirgoodes for the in- X ricking