_ 1 KUV nt3g. 7761171111.11 riching ofthe Ifraelites : Haman (enuying that meane office of a porter which Mordecai had , that he fhould fomuch as lit at theKinges gate, yea maligninghis life, andgrieuing that he had any being amongmen, folong, as till that difinall day, when he expeaed that at the furthefl both he , and all the other fewer Mouldbe flame) tobe a direaer, and togiue aduifehowMor_ decay fhould be dignifyed , how the Kings fauour tohim fhould be publifhed in theCitty, and that inmoft folemne manner, and with his greatefl honour ? See Chap. r6. verf.9, Verf. 25. It is afnarefor aman todetour that which isfanc`li_ fed,and after thevowsto call bac,,e. is T aPareforaman,] This facriledge defcribed in thewords; following, ispalling dangerous, tending to thedefiru6tion of the partycommitting it , as the foode vnder the net , or within the compaffe of the grinne, doth to the{laughter of the Birdes, and the baitevpon the hooke to the deathoftheFifh todetour that which is frnliified, to peruert thole thinges which are by Gods ordainanceappointed for his feruices, from the right vfe of them, tohis owne private gaine; and rcommodir,;., When this Scripture was written, diuers thinges werevnlawfùll for any to, eate, but for the Priefles and Leuites only,vnleffc it were in cafe ofneceffity,as the thew bread,and fitndryoblations in the Tem- ple , and tithes and firfl fruits oftrees , &c. Nowhe alludeth. thereunto and comprehendeth veder thefe all other thinges of like vfe , and deflinated to the fame amine end to {-erne for his.. worfhip.. And it is not only finnefull and perilous to robbe God . ofthofe thinges which himfelfe doth challenge,or his feruaunts haue dedicated to him,but to detaine,or feeke to recouer againe that which our felues haue voluntarily couenanted withour lips, or harts to giue vnto him , or to any good vies. And therefore he faith, after the vowel to. callBacke, either to wifh the vow vn® made, or to with-hold the thing which in hart hath beonevow- ed, or in fpeech prornifed to hire, This God forbiddeth in his law , wherehe faith :Ifthouhaft vowed.a vowvmo the Lord , deferrenot topay st :for theLord thy God;