e . - Godwillrequire it of thee , and it will beafnne in thee ; but ifthou abflaineff from-vowing, itfhall not beafnne. ¶ Sacrilegious perlons cannot long profper. Theymay.thriue apace, and inrich themfelues at fira,as other finnersdoe by committing ofother finnes,but as all iniquitywil bringmifery at the la(i,fo will this ina fpeciall manner, and that to many withgreat fpeede. e4chan had the gold and fluer 144'7* which íhould haue beene deliuered to theLordes treafury , but Y he couldnot hold it : he got it , but couldnot keepe it : but loft therebyhis ovine goodes , andouer-turned his family, and for- faitedhis life. e4nanias and Saphyra kept backe but a part of that money 41.f. which of their ovine accord , without comp'ul(ïon or intreaty, they profefil . d tobeflowentirely vpon the Church, and for that, and their lyes wherewith they would haue couered it, weall knowwhat a grieuous firokeofdeath carnevpon them. Firfl,it is an vnworthy thing, and an heynous offence to take reef: awayought,or with-hold any thingfrom him,to thehinderance Is ofhis worihippe,whichgiueth vs our felues , and all that wee haue; which made vs,and keepeth vs,and feedeth vs : which be- flowethon vs Jife,liuing, earth, heauen, Chri. ,faluation, and whatfoeuer may make vs happy. Secondly,this fearefull impiety is purfued with an horrible 2. cutfe,andall they are fubiect to the one,that fall into the other, how many,or great foeuer they be; re are turfed with a curfe, faith the Lordby Malachy r for ye hakte Boiled me, euen this wholenation. Terrour for them that rnaintaine their owne eflates, by that V f which wasallotted for themaintenance of the Miniftery , and caufe a number of foúles to flame , through want offpirituall foode,that their ovine belliesmay be pamperd with corporall food : and the Lord (hail bedefrauded ofhis feruice,rather then they will part with the prey which they haue gotten. And in the fame ranke are they , andfibiea to the like danger, which doenot openlywith a f}rong hand , but fecretly with a falfe hand bereaue the fetuants ofGod that labour in theworke of hisMiniftery, for the f .luation of his people , of their wages :. X 2. which Dot?.