Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

which'vfe to pay fome for alla little for'trìuch, fcarce the one i alfe for thewhole,or the worfi for thebet}, or by one cneanes "or other,beguile them. Ifitbe a crying finne( as bySJameshis teftimony it is ) to defeate mens hirelings of their pay, which baue reaped their fields,and holpen; to inne their corne , which ferueth onelyfor the nourif ament of the body, how can the fpoileofGods haruefi-menbe .fiient, and not crie alaude for veugeance,when theythat labour about the foode of his peo pies foules be depriuedoftheir flipcnd ? And howmuch better is the'behau'iouror eflateofthofe which conuert to their owne purf s,or vfes,fuch moneyor lands , as haue beene bequeathed{ towards the reliefe ofthepoorc,or for maintenance and repaire ofChurches,which are places mofi commodious for the affem; blyOfcbngregations to the worfhipofGod ? Let all thefe be_ thinke themfelues that they are in a fnare,though yet they feele not thernfelues intangled : full little know they how foode the curie may worke their ruine. Inf{ruCtion to fuch as haue of ended,to flay theplague wher unto theyare liable,byfpeedy repentance and amendement.And that is both toacknowledge their faults vnto the Lord ,,and fo farre as they can tomake fatis-fae1ionfor thewrongs'which they haue done. Thus much,with an ouer-plus alto, Booth God re quire in his Iaw,euen offiich as vnknowingly, haue fo offended, faying,Ifany perfon tranfgreffe and finne through ignorance, by of f Ió.ré- t*,ngaway things confecrated to theLord , he(hall thenbringfor' his tre a e off:ringvnto the Lorda 7am without blurJh out of the c(,with twofheckels of/7uer,by thy eJlinaatió a ferthefhec et oftheSanuary,fora trefpafe o f ferine So he)halréforethat wher_ inhe bath offended ;Slinkingaway oftheholy things;&Thalput the - fft part more therto ; &c. And let Sabbath breakers alto be ad- monifbed to reforme their waies,thougli we declarednot their perrill before:for they deuoure that which. is (Znítified: they abufè' confecratedtime(which God bath fet apart from common vies for his owne worfhip) to the fulfilling of theirlufts, in feruing. oftheir carnal! pleafuresor profites. Finally it concerneth euery' man tobe warythat he grow not weary ofwell doing, as to re- call, or neglec ,or grudgingly toperforme his promue madefor con=