Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

sy erg, r > n D a. `z S t' contribution forme rcifuhor religiousvfes,when hishability fer ueth to fulfill them. Hisword palled to man for fuch purpofes is after a fort in the nature olavowmade to God , who will re- quire theperformance ofit : and it had beene fafer for themnot to haue fpoken,then not to be as good as their word : andnot tôhaue begunne at all,rather then to kaueoffwith äffence.The admonition giuenbyEcclefaftes is to be receiued as not altoge- ther impertinent to this point, efpecially in regard of the reafon andequity ofit. When thou haft vowedavow to God f ith he,d .. Ecci.5.3a4-.- firrenot to pay it :forhedel;ghteth not infodes : pay therefore that thou haIt vowed. It is better that thoufhoraldeft not vow,then'that thou,ouldefvow,andnotpay it. Verfe 26. ell wife Kingfcattereth the wicked, and turneth theWheeleotter them. A Prudent Gouernour is in this fentence compared to a skit-- full Husbandman : for as the Husbandinan Winnoweth or fanneth the corne; to the end the chafe may be feuercd from the puregraine: fo a WifeKing, or godly Magiaratefcattereth' thewicked,breaketh theknot ofdrunkards, gamefiers, themes, robbers,feditious perfons,and other malefaààors , and turneth theWheele tuer them,infli6leth (harpe punifhments vpon them, as they vied in thofecountries to beateout the hard cornewith aCart wheele,as mayappeare by the teflimony of the Prophet Ifaiah,who relembling the Lords moderate and wifeproceeeL- ings to that courfewhich the Threfher taketh in dealing with his corne faith : Fitches are not threfhed withan iron infirtiment;rj,:.18,z7:2, E neytherJhalla Cartwheele be turnedabout vpon the cummin , but- the Frtchef are beaten out with aflaffe,and cummin with a rodde. Bread cornewhet it is threfhed,he clothnot alwaies thre/h , neyther' troth theWheele ofhis (artfillmakea noy f ,neither will he brea& it with the teeth thereof. q" It is nocruelty for theMagifirate iharpely to puniíh lewdand Doatä` difordered perlons. It is theworke ofa wire King fo to doe; and commended as a finite ofhis wiledome. Gods word requireth it , and. thebet}' X 3 Princes