Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

Tom, Princes haue laudably radifed it : yea they knew it to be fo neceffary a duety,that fumeofthem before they came to their Crowne,haue after a fort vowed toperforme it as auid for exámple,when he faid,Betimes will' deltroy allthe wicked ofthe land,that Imay cut ofallthe workers ofiniquityfrom the Litreof theLord. But who was fo handled by him ? Vpon whom did he execute fuch apunifhment ? Firíi , vpoii the Meffenger that brought him newes of Souls death ( which might haue feerned very acceptable to him)for that he confeffed himfelfe to haue a hand in the killingofhim : and afterwards vpon Bannah and Rechab, whobrought him newes of the death oflíhbofheth, whom they had murthered : now euery one of thefe thought togratifie him,and expelled a reward from him , for certifying him that his enemies were flaine, and the Kingdome was come intohis hands,and therefore he that wouldnot fpare them,iu all likelihood would be as feuere againfl others that were as badas they. Firfi, the Lord the righteous Ridge of all the world , by his mofi righteous law commaundeth that finnefull men fhouldbe iharply puniihed,and appointeth death for murders, adulteries, rapes execrable blafphemies contempt of-Gouern ours , and manyother tranfgreílions. Now ifit be cruelty for his Minifiers of iufiice to execute it, how íhall he not be cruell that doth in- ioyne them todoe it ? And is it poflìble for the fountaine ofmer- cy and infiice , who is alfo iufiice and mercy it íëife to be come mercilefhe, vniufi and cruell ? Secondly, due and well feafoned feuerity towardes grofhe and open offendours is vfefiull andprofitable in fundry refpeds : it may be a medicine for thecuring ofthe harts ofthe parties de- linquent , tohelpe them tohumiliation and repentance : it may bea terrour to others whichknow their offences, and behold or heareoftheir punifhment topreferue , or reclaime them from the like difholute behauiour: and it will be a meanes to cleare the Magifiratebywhome they are corrected, and the Country or place wherein they are finitten , from theguiltineffe oftheir e-. normous fads. And for this caufecontemptuous and refradary perfons, fuch as defpife the authority ofthofe whome Godbath inue_