inueiled with his authority,are by the fentence ofthe Lord him- íelfe condemned to death. That man that will doe prefumptuoufly, Deut.t7. i '.. nor hearkening to the `Priefl (that flandeth before the Lord thy God to minter there) or unto the lodge : that man fhall dye , and. thou(halt take away euillfrom Ifraell. So all the people(hall heare, andfeare, anddoeno moreprefumptuoufy. Reproofe of themwhich either hinder the proceeding of iu- llice and judgement againfl malefaéours, thoughdefperately notorious, or elfe exclaime when it is duly executed.. They will labour with the Magifirate to keepe his fword of authority fheathed, efpecially that graceleflë wretches benot cut offby it, or elfe theywill draw out theirfwordes ofmalice, their falfe and clamorous tongues , and i}riké at him therewith. As whomwill they fpare , which feare not to charge theKinges Maiefty with tyrannie against thofe, who traiteroufly haue fought his defiru- &tion with thevtter iiibuerfion ofhis efiate , family , andKing- dome,notwithfianding his lenity,andmildneffe towardes them And what be the arguments which are commonlyvfed for the impunity of fuch as haue made themfelues men of death , and forfaited their liues into the bandes of the ruler ? It is pitty he fhould fuffer, he is a proper man, a perfonable man : he hatha good wit, or is ofgood parentage : one may fooner call awaya man then make a man : it is extreame dealing to urge the rigour ofthe law, and todepriue a man of his life. But is it not pitty that proper men fhould fpoile profitable men ? that fuch as are witty, or of good parentage fhould be fpared to robbeor kill thofe that are honell , andhaue good graces ? The taking away ofbloudy men by iuflice, is not the calling away of a man , but the preferuation of man-kinde : neither is it from the rigour of Gods law , or mans , but from the equity and true meaningof both. Secondly, and therefore all() it ferueth for the incouragement orPrinces andgood Iudges, and other righteous Magifirates to harten themfelues, andnot to be troubled at libels, or murmu- rings, or any feditious inuedtiues that are made againil them, by word, or writing for this caufe : for he that doth commend them; will likewife defend them ;.andhe, they be wife wi # -h a 1(