Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

PR O V E R B S. Chap.1 mortal] man,a bare creature, fo full of folly,iniquityand in). potency,prefumptuou fly to take vpot hire Gods office,and make a decree for the futureeuents of matters ? Is it not e4 quail that they (mould linde the vanityof their imaginati. ons , and with forrow, and flame be defeated of their fet.: lea hopes and purpofes ? And that vnmercifull and bloudy men may fo he all the righteous ought to importune the Lord +y ith their prayers ; for otherwife , if their might were anfwerable to their rnindes, it would be too true which they fly , theywill be as good, or ratheras bad as their words ; likeopen fÇpulchres to(wallow vp, and deuoure thepooree, and 7t7. main dill vnfatiate. Obferuehowaptly the holy. Ghoft hathdeciphered both their delires and prat-tires , by refembling them vetograues ? For doe they not Bate vp and wafe all that come into their panches ? Remine they not (likePharaohs ill-fauoured leane kine) full ofneede and beggary, after they haue deuoured many mens elates ? And though plaguyyeares brim them neuer fo manyboo. ties, continue theynot vnfatiable, f1í11 huugring and rauen- ingafter much more? 1. Confolation, that becaufe they promife to themfeluesCo much , as not onely likebeafls to bite the innocent , but e. ucn like graues to confume them : becaufe a fmaller prey will not content therm ; but theymuff haue their houles full of other rtaens bet} fubflance; therefore the Lord will re- Chaim themoftheir v flies, and difappoynt their expeL}a- titans , for hce refs`ct h theprotol , and detaineth not onely grace but power from them. As by the Foyle of the brag- gingKing ofSiria , and theconfufion of the infolentKing of 11frist appeareth : were it not fo, all the faithfull would be buriedas it were in their bowells : agodly man, a righte- ous man , a manofany venue, or ciuility would fcarcebe found lining in any good eflate vpon the earth, the world fo fwarmcth in all placca with worldling, whichwould be (poilera.