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will make them appeare to bee fo, by thegood effe of their wife dealing. He will vndertake the prore&ionoftheir perlons, oftheir cflatcs,andoftheir honours, whatfoeuer is plotted, at tewpted,or divulged againfl them, iftheywill be faithfitll in his (eruice(whcreofthis is not the leafi part)to fanne thechaffe from his Cornc,andweede the nettles out ofhis Garden, and freehis flockefrom hurtful! Wolues and Foxes. Verte. 27. The light ofthe Lord is the .breath of man and fearcheth allthe bovvels ofthe be/y. He light oftheLard ,]that gracewhich out ofhis loue, he workethby his word, & infufethbyhis fpirit, is thebreath ofrnan,thevery life and felicityofa Godly man,andfearcheth all thebowells oft,'he belly ; findeth out mofi deepe and fecret things: it caufeth him toknow the hidden counfells of God, and the fiate ofhis owne foule ; for as the word is a difcerner zof the thoughts , and intents of the heart, fo it informed] theman in whom it dwellethwith theNature and qualitieofthe fame,that he may fudge himfelfe with righteous iudgement, difcouering hiscorruptions to be corruptions, and his graces to be graces, that he fhall neither approoueof the one fort as if they were vertues,norcondemne the other for illufions:or at.leafi(though fometimesGods children in temptations do faile on bothfides) yet they-be eafily reduced from their errourby the minifleryof the word,orby wholeforneconferencewith Godly Chriflians: whereas the hearts ofthe wicked wanting this light, are like darke Chambers lockedvp from themfelues,that they could ne- ver looke into them(for the wordwhich wee tranflatebowellt, doeth liignifieChambers)and they doe with nomore found vn- derfianding apprehend, either the tnifieries offaluation, or the confiitution oftheir owne fouls,then with,theirbodily eye they can feewhat is in their intrailes andbelly. f That onely is tobe eficemed a life which is fanaified with frace.Aman mayeate,and drinke, and walke, and deem and peake,and haue thevfe ofall his fenfes,and yet beall this while a dead corpes,through thewant of Godsholy fpirit,Saint Paule 4iuetl*